Hammerhead Species
Species rundowns |
Great Hammerhead |
Scalloped Hammerhead |
Bonnethead or Shovelhead |
Smooth or Common Hammerhead |
Scoophead shark |
Scalloped Bonnethead |
Winghead shark |
Smalleye Hammerhead |
Whitefin Hammerhead
Species rundowns
Amazon. The Encyclopedia of Sharks by Steve and Jane Parker.
Animal Diversity Web: Sphyrnidae.
Hammerhead run-down from www.marktheshark.com. The highlight here is a good set of illustrations of the heads of various hammerhead species.
Fishbase: Genus sphyrna.
Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)
Detailed fact-sheet on the great hammerhead prepared by Cathleen Bester, from the
Florida Museum of Natural History: Ichthyology Department.
Animal Diversity Web datasheet by Robin Street, with an illustration. Animal Diversity Web, from the University of Michigan, is "largely by and for college students"pitched high, but with technical terms hyperglossed.
Fishbase: Great hammerhead datasheet, with
stamps .
BBC: Great hammerhead shark "wildfacts" stats.
Great hammerhead fact sheet, from
Shark Research, Queensland, Australia.
Great hammerhead datasheet from
World of Sharks.
Scalloped Hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
Detailed fact-sheet on the scalloped hammerhead, including distribution, reproduction, teeth, etc., prepared by Cathleen Bester, from the
Florida Museum of Natural History: Ichthyology Department.
Snarky scalloped hammerhead article and some
striking shark photos by Hawaiian Rico Leffanta. The article covers a host of topics, eg., what attracts them, why they circle, "why do they have such wierd heads?", etc. The tone is jokey (but not infantile). The photos are of other shark species.
Fishbase: Scalloped hammerhead datasheet, with
pictures and stamps.
Hawaii Institute Of Marine Biology. Scalloped Hammerhead page, with information on ecology and Institute studies. Site created by Timothy Fitzgerald.
Fact sheet from Monterey Bay Aquarium with a Scalloped hammerhead feeding clip.
Scalloped hammerhead fact sheet, from
Shark Research, Queensland, Australia.
Scalloped hammerhead datasheet
World of Sharks.
Info on a study of Scalloped Hammerhead genetics from
Hawaii Institute Of Marine Biology.
Scalloped hammerhead shark by Dr. Eric. K. Ritter, from
Shark Info.
Datasheet from
Discover the Outdoors.
Info on Bonnethead and Scalloped Hammerhead has the Florida Scalloped record: 991 lbs.
Bonnethead or Shovelhead (Sphyrna tiburo)
Animal Diversity Web datasheet by Shauna K. Hessing, with detailed text, an illustration and a short bibliography.
Detailed fact-sheet on the bonnetheads prepared by Cathleen Bester, from the
Florida Museum of Natural History: Ichthyology Department.
Fishbase: Bonnethead
datasheet, with some
Sphyrna tiburofrom the online edition of
Fishes of the Gulf of Maine by Henry B. Bigelow and William C. Schroeder (1953). Apparently there are no confirmed sightings in Maine.
Datasheet from
Discover the Outdoors.
Smooth or Common Hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena)
Fishbase: Smooth hammerhead datasheet, with linked resources. Classified "traumatogenic" (wound-causing); good word. Fishbase resources include
stamps and other pictures.
Detailed fact-sheet on smooth hammerheads prepared by Cathleen Bester, from the
Florida Museum of Natural History: Ichthyology Department.
Common hammerhead,
Sphyrna zygaena from the online edition of
Fishes of the Gulf of Maine by Henry B. Bigelow and William C. Schroeder (1953).
Brief info from Beach-Net.com. Their general page on
Sharks in Delaware and Maryland has good info on the shark reproduction and danger (minimal).
Canadian Shark Research Laboratory: Smooth Hammerhead. Basic info.
"This shark is rarely seen by fishermen in Canadian waters.… It could potentially be dangerous to divers."
Scoophead shark (Sphyrna media)
Fishbase: Scoophead datasheet. Minimal.
Scalloped Bonnethead (Sphyrna corona)
Fishbase: Scalloped bonnethead datasheet. Minimal.
Winghead shark (Sphyrna blochii)
Fishbase: Winghead shark datasheet, with
two pictures.
Smalleye Hammerhead (Sphyrna tudes)
Fishbase datasheet. Minimal.
Whitefin Hammerhead (Sphyrna couardi)
Fishbase: Whitefin hammerhead datasheet. Minimal.