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Cleopatra Pictures, Ancient

Comment: If you are acquainted with Cleopatra through the Victorians, the images of her that have come down from Antiquity are something of a disappointment. First, they're not very numerous. Second, they seriously question the notion (addressed elsewhere on this site) that the original femme fatale was good looking. There are a couple things to say about this. First, ancient standards of beauty were different. Second, Cleopatra's ancient images were not designed to strike the eye, let alone titillate; some were designed to present the image she (or Marc Antony) wanted to present—eg., a touch leader—or, in the case of the Egyptian images, a Pharaoh just like the other Pharaohs (bow your head!).

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Showing 1–18 of 29  ( next ) page [1]  2
cleopatra-anc cleopatra-anc cleopatra-anc
184 x 300
252 x 300
270 x 458
cleopatra-anc Limestone head of a woman resembling CleopatraVII cleopatra-anc
216 x 300
"Limestone head of a woman resembling Cleopatra�VII" New
600 x 600
600 x 600
Silver denarius of CleopatraVII and Mark Antony  BC cleopatra-anc cleopatra-anc
Silver denarius of Cleopatra�VII and Mark Antony (32 BC). New
600 x 600
212 x 300
600 x 600
unsure Cleopatra's handwriting one word at bottom let it be so Silver Tetradrachm of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy IX - BC
189 x 453
Cleopatra's handwriting (one word at bottom, "let it be so")
1505 x 1949
Silver Tetradrachm of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy IX (116-107 BC) New
512 x 239
cleopatra-anc Unsure cleopatra-anc
200 x 301
420 x 480
435 x 561
cleopatra-anc cleopatra-anc cleopatra-anc
150 x 307
225 x 300
200 x 213
Showing 1–18 of 29  ( next ) page [1]  2
Copyright info: The thumbnails above are subject to their original copyright. They are provided to bring users to the site they come from. (This technique is used by a number of prominent image search engines.) To remove an image write [email protected].
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