a standing start in 1939,Canada
produced an incredible collection of unique and endurable softskin vehicles
known as 'CMP', or Canadian Military Pattern. These vehicles served every
Commonwealth army in every theatre of war, and in many cases, went on to
provide yeoman service to dozens of nations in every corner of the globe
for decades after. That so many examples have survived to this day is a
testament to the engineering excellence incorporated in their design and
manufacture. |
CMP story really began in the middle thirties, when it looked as if Great
Britain and her Commonwealth might have to once again take up arms against
the rising tide of German nationalism. |
early as 1935, the British government had begun to make inquiries as to
Canada's potential as a manufacturing base for a wide variety of war-related
goods. By 1937, Ford of Canada was working on developing a 15 cwt truck
for military service, based on a very loose set of design parameters furnished
through government channels by the British. A year later the program had
accelerated, and General Motors of Canada was now also heavily involved.
War was on the horizon, and all parties were desperate to standardize a
new series of military vehicles which would be acceptable in British service,
but designed for Canadian manufacturing processes. |
result of these desperate (and unusual!) collaborative efforts was the
Canadian Military Pattern truck. Prototypes were undergoing rigorous testing
by 1939, and all-out production by 1940. |
By September
1st, 1945, Canada had produced almost 410,000 CMP vehicles alone, togther
with 306,000 modified conventional types, over 50,000 armoured vehicles,
and over 91,000 civilian vehicles modified for military service. |
following few pages will attempt to document some of the surviving examples
of these amazing vehicles. For further information, please see our Links
page for other CMP-oriented resources on the web. |
In addition,
we invite any CMP owner to participate in this display; we would be happy
to publish photos and information relating to restored vehicles, ongoing
projects, interesting finds and other such relevent data. Please feel free
to email us for further info,
or with your suggestions! |
A few
glimpses into the early development of the Canadian Military Pattern vehicle... |
The C60L "Three-tonner"
A photo
expose of a beautifully-restored C60L lorry in standard General Service
(GS) configuration. This class of vehicle was the workhorse of the Canadian
Army Overseas... |
Field Artillery Tractor
vehicle was the cornerstone of the Field Artillery Regiment, of which there
was one per brigade in Canadian service. Organized into three troops of
eight each of the fabled 25pdr gun/howitzers, the Field Artillery Regiment
was a critical component of the success of the Canadian Army Overseas... |
The 15 cwt Truck
15cwt truck was as ubiquitous to Canadian line regiments as was the Universal
Carrier. Its comparatively small size coupled with good agility and a respectable
load capacity made it indispensible, and guaranteed a long life in civilian
hands after the war... |
Heavy Utility Vehicles
soon... |
CMP Specifications
instant online reference to CMP Truck specifications, taken from the applicable
Maintenance Manuals of the time... |
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Winnington-Ball , 1999-2000 All Rights Reserved |