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Showing 37–43 of 43  ( previous ) page 1  2  [3]
bulge bulge D-Day
600 x 836
600 x 850
600 x 785
bulge German Plan of Attack Joachim Peiper
600 x 811
German Plan of Attack
684 x 527
Joachim Peiper
300 x 423
 John Liddiard
� John Liddiard, 1995
422 x 300
Showing 37–43 of 43  ( previous ) page 1  2  [3]
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If you enjoy this site you may like these other sites by me:

D-Day on the Web. Everything about the allied invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944.

The Battle of Kursk on the Web. Everything on the greatest tank battle of history.

Andrew Jackson on the Web. The ultimate resource on "Old Hickory," President Andrew Jackson.