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British Forces

SummariesPersonal AccountsOther Accounts


British Forces in the Battle of the Ardennes from CRIBA. See also this useful summary , explaining some relevant terms.

Brief history with some attention to the British conribution, from Queen's own Highlanders Regimental Assocaiton. See also their photos page, taken at museums and monuments in the area.

"[T]his was mainly an American action but we did play a significant role in terrible conditions and over very rough terrain."

The British in the Battle of the Ardennes by Guy Blockmans, from CRIBA. Summarizes the British contribution.

Personal Accounts

"Break Out in the Ardennes" by Ron Reynolds, 53rd Welsh Division.

"I was in the Ardennes," by L/Sergeant Tom Leech, 33rd Armoured Brigade

From Beaufays to Mierchamps, by Sergeant G.D. Nesbitt, 51st Highland Division.

"My most abiding memory, however was of the welcome we received at Beaufays in that little farm above Liege where we were billeted and as Corporal had the honour of sleeping in a huge feather bed. The farmer, his wife and "Leona" his little grand daughter slept in the cellar."

"I was with the 49th Royal Tank Regiment, in the Ardennes," by Sgt Jimmy Parker (49th Armoured Personnel Carier Regiment).

"Liberation of La Roche-en-Ardenne" January 11, 1945. Recollections from participants in the meet-up between the 84th US Infantry Division and the Scottish 51st Highland Division (Black Watch).

Sergeant Robert Fife (79th Armoured Division), "A pleasant surprise at Flavion."

Dennis Gorton (53rd Welsh Division), "The Battle at Grimbiemont"

I. Creasey (51st Highland Division), "From Rendeux towards La Roche." Interesting detail on a German medical officer who stayed behind to attend to a pregnant civilian.

Ron Titterton (51st Highland Division), "The Daimler Cars were the First in La Roche." With photos.

Captain A. J. Booth (49th Armoured Personnel Carrier Regiment), "A Christmas Tale"

Don Aiken, The 50th British (Northumbrian) Division.

Other Accounts

Battle of Bure. Account of battle involving 29th Armoured Brigade.

Portrait of Tom Renouf, 5th Battalion Black Watch, 51st Highland Division, by Guy Blockmans.

�He� Returned to the Ardennes by Guy Blockmans, on Major Jack Watson,13th Lancashire Battalion of the 6th Airborne Division, who earned the Military Cross in the Battle of Bure.

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