Monhaupt’s ‘About the use of horse artillery’


(‘Ueber den gebrauch der reitenden Artillerie’)






Source: "Ueber den Gebrauch der reitenden Artillerie" (Berlin, 1836) pp. V-VI




Preface …………………………………………………………………….. preface


Introduction …………………………………………………………………..  part 1


I. Use of the horse artillery with the infantry ……………………………...part 2

       a. In position

       b. When attacking

       c. During the retreat


II. Use of the horse artillery with the cavalry …………………………….... part 3

   1. During the attack of the cavalry

       a. At cavalry

       b. When the cavalry is retreating, against cavalry

       c. At infantry

       d. At artillery

   2. If the cavalry has to cover


III. Use of the horse artillery with the foot artillery ……………………….. part 4


IV. Use of artillery with combined arms, i.e. with the army ……………… part 4

       a. With the advance guard

       b. With the rear guard

       c. In positions …………………………………………………………... part 5

       d. In entrenchments

       e. In battle ………………………………………………………………. part 6

       f.  When the army is retreating from battle

       g. When pursuing the enemy after the battle

       h. At river crossings

       i.  When retreating across a river

       k. When defending a river


V. The use of horse artillery with detachments, at so called ‘posts’ ……part 7

       a. With observation and supporting posts

       b. ‘Standing’ posts


VI. The use of horse artillery at winter posts …………………………….... part 8


VII. The use of horse artillery with sieges ………………………………… part 8

       a. Inside fortresses

       b. In front of fortresses


VIII. The use of horse artillery while undertaking the little war …………... part 8


© Geert van Uythoven