THE OVERLAND TRAIL An official Millennium Trail. Special Millennium Celebration Book Available
December 2002 Spotlight of the Month: The Interactive Santa Fe Trail Homepage This website has been growing over the years, and it's really over-whelming! There's more to discover each time you visit it--everything related to the Santa Fe Trail. The history of the trail, of course, but also traveling the trail today, complete with maps and exploring the trail on-line, and current events along the trail. There are links to online books, book reviews, and maps about the trail, and also reading lists, and bibliographies. Another section deals with people on the trail, and their genealogies. Be sure to check out the Santa Fe Trail "Who's Who" which includes links to William Becknell (Father of the Santa Fe Trail), Josiah Gregg, and other more recent folks along the trail, including a "first person" account of travel on the trail provided by the g-grandson of the pioneer.
Visit the previous Spotlights!
PEOPLEThe Oregon Trail South Pass The Santa Fe Trail Other Trails West **UPDATED & EXPANDED!** More than 350 links:From the Applegate Trail to Oregon Via Antartica! Also See:
Links to Trails West Across the Plains and Mountains
Links to Trails Across the Southwest & Cattle Trails
Links to Trails Into the North
Links to Other Trails
Links to Modern Trails and Scenic By-ways
Trails to the Gold Rush Route 66: The Mother Road Ancient Footpaths and Indian Trails Early Migration Patterns To The West Before the Trails West A look at early peoples inhabiting America and the West, peoples here long before the Native Americans. Military Roads Of The Old West Wagon Roads to the West Rivers to the West Includes art, birding, fishing, controversies, history, poetry, tours, museums, chronologies, and diary accounts relating to the "Rivers to the West." **UPDATED & EXPANDED!** Westward Expansion and Trails West Lesson Plans, Curriculum Ideas, Activities, Technology, How-To's, and WebQuests: Resources for teachers. The Trails West A full service professional historical research organization equipped to assist authors, historians, and others with research, photos, aerial photography, cartography, tour planning (and more!) related to the American West.
PLACES ALONG THE TRAILSThe Civil War in the West On-line Diaries, Memoirs and Letters **More than 100 individual diaries, and several collections!** The Donner Party
Emigrant Lists Emigrants, Trail Blazers and Personalities Gunslingers and Coyboys Good Guys and Bad... The Military Along The Trails West Mountain Men & Fur Traders Mountain Man Information, Organizations and Rendezvous Plains Indians "Whips" and Robbers of the Stagecoaches The Whitman Party
Women of the West
TRANSPORTATIONFollowing the Trails By auto, afoot, Stage Coach, and treks by Wagon Trains Landmarks, Sites and Sightseeing Along the Trails West GPS and Mapping the Trails Trails West Museums Old West Forts and Towns
OLD WEST HISTORYStage Coaches and Wagons From the East to the West The Railroad West! The H. K. Porter Locomotives Engines built specifically for industrial applications, mining, logging, plantations, or lightly built narrow gauge railroads. They helped to build the West, and are found in every country from Argentina to Zanzibar. Western Stagecoach Travel **UPDATED & EXPANDED!**
OTHEROn-Line Diaries, Memoirs and Letters Literature, Culture, Photos, and Writings of the Old West Old West History Links to Thousands of Sites!
AND...Fort St. Vrain In danger of gravel mining! ![]()
Shelter on the Western Frontier and every day life... Learning the Traditional Art of Timber Framing and scribe-fit log construction Stars Over the Western Trails
Links to the Overland Trail More than 300 sites here on western history, trails, etc.
And...a word from the author...
It is difficult to comprehend that just over a hundred years ago, men and women were conquering the outer limits of the westward frontier--when today they are conquering the thresholds of outer space.A half a million men and women courageously traveled the trails into a strange land--following the Indian's and trapper's footprints to gold fields and new settlements into the western frontier. These pages will try to describe one such trail--the Overland Trail--how and why it began in 1862 under the direction of Ben Holladay, and how the wagon wheels and hoof beats were abruptly silenced in 1869 with the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad--closing an era that will be never forgotten.
I have been gathering information on the Overland Trail for a number of years from many sources including hundreds of books, diaries, military histories, newspaper accounts, and photos. Actual visits to the entire trail, from Julesburg to Fort Bridger, involved discovering, photographing and documenting sites--both those remaining and those "lost." See the Bibliography for sources for the Overland Trail information.
Please e-mail me if your have any additional information or sources of information on the Westward Movement that could be added to these pages.
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The Oregon-California Trails Association. Find out about their purpose, how to join, The Overland Journal a quarterly publication, The Overland Trails Mailing List an excellent forum for discussion of trail related issues, and other ongoing activities sponsored and promoted by this group.
OCTAs On-Line Bookstore OCTA has one of the most comprehensive bookstores for trail literature about all the Trails West, including Emigrant Diaries, Women's Experiences, Mountain Men, and Indian Affairs. OCTA members get a 10% discount off all book orders.
The Overland Trail site has received the Academic Excellence Award from StudyWeb as one of the best educational resources on the web by StudyWeb Researchers.
The Top 5% of Educational Sites
The Overland Trail web site is part of the TRAILS PROJECT Supported by The U.S. Department of Education
Please let me know if you link to this site, and I'll add a reciprocal link!
I hope that you enjoy searching through this web page, as I've spent considerable time on it. If you find other information on the web or elsewhere that might be appropriate for this page, please let me know! I'm particularily interested in finding other emigrant diaries and journals or other records of the westward movement.
Concord Coach plans are now available! More information.
Check out on this site for books on The Old West, many of which are discounted. They also include used and out of print.
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Overland Trail
Created and maintained by Elizabeth Larson
Copyright © 1996-2001
All Rights Reserved