The Concord Coach Gallery A collection of original photographs of Concord Coaches The Abbott & Downing Company: A brief bit of information All about the Concord Coach More about the Concord Coach Their sturdy bodies were glowing carmine or bright vermilion and their running-gear a jaunty yellow. Excellent information and photos on this site! All about the Stage Coach Drivers Ben Holladay, The "StageCoach King" From the Wells Fargo Pages: A not so flattering bit of information Beyond Face Value Images of transportation and slavery on Confederate bank notes. A Bibliography of Stagecoaches A Bibliography of Wagons and Carriage Construction This page lists some of the available literature of this once-vital family of trades. These citations are for both full-size and reduced scale projects. The Carriage Association of America's listing of Museums in the United States, listed in alpha order by state Coach Robberies From Vigilante Days and Ways by Nathaniel Langford Concord Coach Plans These Stage Coach plans consist of 4-30" sheets, exact drawings of 1/8th scale plans of late 19th century Concord style stage coach. The Concord Stage in Frontiertown--located in the heart of the Adirondacks Concord Stage Print out and color this from the Great Circus Coloring Book. The Conestoga Wagon The Conestoga was widely used on the Santa Fee Trail, but its main purpose was to move heavy goods on the east coast. The wagon was massive for its day, somewhat akin to the tractor trailors of today. Its huge rear wheels stood as tall as a man, and it could easily carry up to 6000 lbs of goods. The Conestoga Wagon From the Canadian Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. The Conestoga Historical Society The earliest history of the Conestoga Wagon is a mystery, where it was first made or what the earliest Conesotga Wagons looked like is unknown. The first reference in the historical record we can find is in the notebook of James Logan, secretary to William Penn, where he makes reference to a Conestoga Wagon in 1717 Covered Wagons Diagrams of 3 types of covered wagons, what was required for the trek, etc. Early Transportation: Wagon Trains, Stage Coaches, Mud Wagons In 1868 General Ulysses S. Grant road a Concord Stage from Georgetown Colorado to Denver Great Northern Livery Company: Purveyors of Quality Horse Drawn Vehicles Handcarts to Utah Between 1856 and 1860 nearly 3,000 Mormon emigrants walked to Utah from from the mid-west pulling handcarts. This was, according to historian LeRoy Hafen, "the most remarkable travel experiment in the history of Western America." Hansen Wheel & Wagon Shop Builders of custom horse-drawn wagons, carriages, stage coaches Hints For The Traveler: Spit On The Leeward Side! Historic Circus Wagons from the Great Circus Parade. Justin Carriage Works Here's where you'll find some beautiful coaches and wagons for sale. New and used. Lots of nice pictures of coaches! Links to "Whips" and Robbers: Good Guys and Bad... Miscellaneous Wagons From the Circus Parade pages. The Murphy Wagon these huge freight wagons used first on the Santa Fe Trail. Prairie Schooners Their construction, the team, contents, provisions, and a drawing of a prairie schooner wagon. Good information on what the wagons carried and how they carried it. Restoration of an 1890's Stage Coach Ride the Stage! Experience the exciting adventures and unexpected thrills in an authentic stagecoach from the past. The Six Horse Hitch Stagecoaches By Natalie, Natasha and Holly of the St. George Elementary third and fourth grade class The Stage Coach Competition between Denver and Trinidad in 1867 Stage Coach Robbery Still Unsolved When shots rang out Major Joseph Washington Wham knew the stagecoach was under attack. The black Buffalo Soldiers riding guard with the U.S. Army payroll took several hits but fought back with great bravery in the sun-drenched desert landscape of May 11, 1889. The loss amounted to $28,345.10 in military payroll. A Stagecoach Vocabulary Stage Travel In Colorado Take the Carriage Tour Wagons and Animals along the Mormon Trail Wagonmaking in Southern Arizona in the late 1800's Wagon Trains From the 1840's to the 1860's, more than 300,000 people crossed the plains and the mountains of the West. Read about the various wagons used in this trek. Wells Fargo Stages in Colorado
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