November, 2000 The Santa Fe Trail From Space An incredible amount of work has gone into putting together this site. You'll find over 140 pairs of photos and maps that follow the Santa Fe Trail. The first link for each pair is a USGS Photo of the point of interest along the Santa Fe Trail. A short explanation is included. The second link will take you to a view from space of the same spot along the trail from the "Microsoft Terra Server Site." Campsites, ranches, creek crossings, ruts, grave sites, and junctions with other emigrants roads are all included.
- All About The Santa Fe Trail: States, towns, forts, and rest stops along the Trail: Nancy Sween's excellent site
- Santa Fe Trail Research Site There is a lot of new information about the Santa Fe Trail that now covers 11 counties in the central part of Kansas. The Quivira, Wet/Dry Routes and the Dodge City/Fort Dodge Chapters of the Santa Fe Trail are included. More to come! A very comprehensive web site by Larry and Carolyn Mix.
- William Becknell: Diary Two expeditions from Boon's Lick to Santa Fe in 1823.
- William Becknell: His Letters Regarding the early Southwestern trade in 1824
- William Becknell: Father of the Santa Fe Trail A good history of the beginnings of the Santa Fe Trail.
- William Becknell: An enterprising trail blazer and trader who left Missouri destined for Santa Fe with a caravan and twenty-one men. This trail served as an international road between the United States and Mexico for 25 years until the Mexican American War ended, and Missouri became a starting point for western expansion.
- William Becknell The Formation of a Trading Company. This is printed from the July 25, 1821 issue of the Missouri Intelligencer newspaper. Becknell called for the formation of a company of men to trade "to the westwards." This was the first step in his eventual trip to Santa Fe the following Autumn.
- Beckwourth on the Santa Fe Trail Information about Jim Beckwourth and his time on the Santa Fe Trail in and around Bent's Fort and Taos.
- Bent's Old Fort Located on the Santa Fe Trail
- Coraz�n de los Caminos: Heart of the Trails The northeastern New Mexico chapter of the national Santa Fe Trail Association
- Exploration to Find a Site for Fort Union In this report Captain L. C. Easton and 2nd Lieutenant Jno. G. Parke have favored the Gallinas River Valley around Las Vegas for the site of Fort Union, though they also looked at the Mora River Valley. One of the reasons for setting up Fort Union was to get soldiers out of Santa Fe, with all of its diverting enticements
- Fort Union National Monument from the NPS's site
- Fort Union and the Santa Fe Trail Did one of the early settlers just for a moment think that someone would be standing where he stood, thinking about him thinking about them?
- Fort Union History A good comprehensive summary from the University of Kansas web site
- Josiah Gregg American Frontiersman, who wrote "Commerce on the Prairies" about his ventures on the Santa Fe Trail.
- Kansas State Historical Society's 1912 Report : Regarding the correct route of the Santa Fe Trail through Kansas.
- Mileage Charts of Santa Fe Trail Sites With these and modern maps you can find many of the places where the early day travelers stayed. You can also follow the various routes that they might have taken.
- A Military Expedition to New Mexico The Diary of William Thornton written in 1855 when Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, sent Major Thornton to New Mexico where he served as Chief of Ordnance of the Dept. of New Mexico until 1857.
- National Historic Sites along the Santa Fe Trail
- Old Spanish Trail Association
- Pioneers On The Santa Fe Trail On July 4, 1910 Las Vegas, New Mexico, held what was billed as "The Old Trailer's Reunion." Everyone who had traveled the Santa Fe Trail in "the old days" was invited to attend. The local newspaper, The Las Vegas Daily Optic printed this list of "old trailers"
- The Route of the Santa Fe Trail An outline of towns and other geographical sites along the trail
- The Santa Fe Historic Trail The NPS Site
- The Santa Fe Trail By Tricia and Kyle of the St. George Elementary third and fourth grade class
- The Santa Fe Trail Association Check out this site on their mission, how to join, and other pertinent information
- Santa Fe Trail History A good time-line by the U of Kansas
- The Santa Fe Trail Net a comprehensive site about this trail
- Santa Fe Trail of Dreams. From Missouri to New Mexico, follow the ruts of wagon trains along the fabled Santa Fe Trail.
- The Santa Fe Trail In Kansas, check out these points of interest.
- The Santa Fe Trail through Kansas, celebrating its 175th Anniversary
- The Santa Fe Trail Through the Great Bend area of Kansas
- Santa Fe Trail Celebrates Its 175th Birthday An article in the Salt Lake Tribune, June 1996
- Santa Fe Trail Page prepared by students at Trinidad State Junior College.
- Santa Fe Trail via Raton Pass Most travelers used the Cimarron Cut-off route through northeastern New Mexico until 1866 when mountain-man and indian scout "Uncle Dick" Wootton blasted a trail through Raton Pass and set up a toll gate for those wanting to use this "Mountain Route" to make their way to Santa Fe and parts beyond.
- Tracing the Tracks and Trails of Northeast NM The Santa Fe Trail and more!
- Trade between Missouri and Mexico One of the earliest congressional documents concerning the Santa Fe Trade was written by an early trader, Augustus Storrs, in response to questions from Senator Thomas Hart Benton of Missouri. This document was published on January 3, 1825 in the proceedings of the 2d session of the 18th Congress.
- Traveling Along The Old Santa Fe Trail From the North East New Mexico site. Directions to find ruts and swales of the Santa Fe Trail.
- Books on the Santa Fe Trail From
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