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20th Century:Eighth Decade


Ms. magazine



Estes's Cafe Express
Richard Estes's
Cafe Express,

IBM portable


Commodore PET,
late 1970s

Fiber optics

Apple II, used floppy
disc, 1977

VisiCalc spreadsheet

1970: Heller, Good As Gold, a novel examining a man's self-loathing, obsession.
1970: On Broadway, Jesus Christ Superstar.
1970: Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch, adds to feminist literature.
1970: The Protestant New English Bible and the Catholic New American Bible.
1970: Big Bird of Sesame Street gets a Time cover.
1970: Bar codes.
1970: Postal Reform Bill makes U.S. Postal Service self-supporting.
1970: Corning Glass Works spins out optical fiber clear enough for light pulses.
1970: Kate Millet's Sexual Politics stirs feminist thinking.
1970: In Germany, a videodisc is demonstrated.
1970: IBM System 370 allows time-sharing, online computing.
1970: 55% of American adults complete high school; slightly more females.
1970: Eudora Welty's novel Losing Battles imagines two days in a Mississippi town.
1970: A new kind of communication: barcodes.
1970: Alohanet, first wireless computer networking system, University of Hawaii.
1970: Improved Picturephone commercial service begins in downtown Pittsburgh.
1970: U.S. Post Office and Western Union offer Mailgrams.
1970: Controversial Japanese author Yukio Mishima commits ritual suicide.
1970: Oscars: Patton, George C. Scott (refuses Oscar), Glenda Jackson.
1970: Also at the movies: Five Easy Pieces, Love Story, Airport, M*A*S*H.
1970: Foreign language film Oscar: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion, Italy
1970: Mr. Sammler's Planet wins Saul Bellow another National Book Award.
1970: FM stations target population segments, introducing "narrowcasting".
1970: Mini-Moog synthesizers sold to touring rock bands.
1970: Some FM stations offer stereophonic music.
1970: FCC forces television networks out of syndication business with "Fin-Syn" rules.
1970: U.S. movie tickets drop from 3 billion plus in 1950 to under 1 billion.
1970: AP sends news by computer.
1970: U.S. Postal Reorganization Act puts postal service on an independent track.
1970: Nobel Prize in Literature: Russian novelist Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
1970: Film Jane Eyre made with Dolby A-type noise reduction.
1970: Canadian filmmakers invent giant projector IMAX system.
1971: Nobel Prize in Literature: Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet.
1971: Software patent issued for computerized telephone switching system.
1971: Newspapers switch from hot metal letterpress to offset.
1971: Email.
1971: Steve Wozniak, Bill Fernandez build "cream soda" computer from junk parts.
1971: National Science Foundation begins two-year videotex test.
1971: ARPANET, Internet forerunner, has 22 university, government connections.
1971: Project Gutenberg starts to enter great documents, literature online.
1971: Herman Wouk's, The Winds of War is a best-seller, will become a mini-series.
1971: Intel builds the 4004 microprocessor, "a computer on a chip."
1971: The Pascal programming language.
1971: Oscars: The French Connection, Gene Hackman, Jane Fonda.
1971: Also at the movies: Klute, The Last Picture Show, Fiddler on the Roof.
1971: Foreign language film Oscar: The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, Italy.
1971: World swallows hoax of primitive Philippine Tasaday tribe cave dwellers.
1971: Wang 1200 is the first word processor.
1971: Texas Instruments sells a popular portable electronic calculator.
1971: Cellphone is invented.
1971: New York Times publishes "The Pentagon Papers."
1971: American television grows more socially conscious with All in the Family.
1971: In Washington, D.C., the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts opens.
1971: John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, seminal work in modern philosophy.
1971: Elizabeth Janeway, Man's World, Woman's Place.
1971: Jerzy Kosinski's satire on television viewing, Being There.
1972: Ms. magazine.
1972: In Philippines, Marcos' martial law throttles one of Asia's freest presses.
1972: Pong, first home video game, in first game console, the Magnavox Odyssey..
1972: C, a programming language for the Unix operating system.
1972: Sony sells a videotape system for the home, the Betamax.
1972: Historian Daniel Boorstin publishes the first of his 3-volume The Americans.
1972: European manufacturers (Decca, Philips, AEG) bring out the video disc.
1972: A satellite is used for live television transmission.
1972: Public demonstration of ARPANET.
1972: HBO starts pay-TV service for cable.
1972: New FCC rules lead to community access channels.
1972: Polaroid camera can focus by itself.
1972: Digital television comes out of the lab.
1972: Movie Deep Throat starts porn industry explosion.
1972: The BBC offers Ceefax, two-way cable information system.
1972: "Open Skies": any U.S. firm can have communication satellites.
1972: Landsat I, "eye-in-the-sky" satellite, is launched.
1972: Nobel Prize in Literature: German novelist Heinrich B�ll.
1972: The Phillips laserdisc; it plays but can't record.
1972: Philadelphia Inquirer builds a computer database for a news story.
1972: Satellites used for television news reports.
1972: Oscars: The Godfather, Marlon Brando, Liza Minelli.
1972: Also at the movies: Cabaret, Deliverance, The Poseidon Adventure.
1972: Foreign language film Oscar: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, France.
1972: Sony's Port-a-Pak, a much more portable video recorder.
1972: From Canada, a programmable word processor with a video screen, the AES 90.
1972: The Xerox Alto, first computer with a mouse and a graphical interface.
1972: Washington Post begins Watergate reporting that will bring down president.
1972: The Godfather sets box office record of $1 million a day for first month.
1972: FCC ends six-year ban on installing cable TV in large cities.
1973: Nobel Prize in Literature: Australian novelist Patrick White.
1973: Burr, best-selling historical novel by Gore Vidal.
1973: $575 buys you a computer kit with a micrprocessor, the Scelbi-8H.
1973: George Carlin's "Seven dirty words" results in court slap for Pacifica Radio.
1973: Starting in Columbus, OH, TV cable homes get identifiable addresses.
1973: Oscars: The Sting, Jack Lemmon, Glenda Jackson.
1973: Also at the movies: The Exorcist, Last Tango in Paris, American Graffiti.
1973: Playgirl gives women the eye candy men get from Playboy.
1973: George Carlin's "Seven dirty words" results in court slap for Pacifica Radio.
1973: Starting in Columbus, OH, TV cable homes get identifiable addresses.
1973: Foreign language film Oscar: Day for Night, France.
1973: Non-compatible video player formats lead several manufacturers to fail.
1973: IBM's Selectric typewriter is now "self-correcting."
1973: Vonnegut writes more dark humor, Breakfast of Champions.
1973: Erica Jong shocks with her language, Fear of Flying.
1973: Complex Thomas Pynchon novel, Gravity's Rainbow wins National Book Award.
1973: Fairchild builds an image-forming CCD chip, 100 rows x 100 columns.
1973: Xerox sets up a LAN (local area network) called Ethernet.
1973: Super 8 home movie cameras with magnetic striping for sound.
1973: Watergate exposure by press will lead to Nixon resignation next year.
1973: Reggae music spreads out from Jamaica.
1973: AP plans to store news photos in its computers.
1973: Computer in England, another in Norway connect to ARPANET.
1973: An American family, the Louds, comes apart on national television.
1973: People magazine steps out.
1973: AP, UPI start to install computer terminals in all U.S. bureaus.
1974: Carrie is the first of Stephen King's blockbuster gothic novels.
1974: Robert Pirsig's oddly titled novel, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
1974: In England, the BBC transmits Teletext data to TV sets.
1974: Coaxial cable can carry 108,000 phone conversations at the same time.
1974: Electronic News Gathering (ENG).
1974: Telephone "hot line" is set up between the White House and the Kremlin.
1974: Arcade video game Tank uses ROM chips to store graphics.
1974: International digital voice transmission.
1974: Satellite transmission of mailgrams.
1974: Punk rock music emerges in Britain, with themes of nihilism, anarchy.
1974: Wall Street Journal successfully transmits an edition by satellite.
1974: Nobel Prize in Literature: Swedish novelists Eyvind Johnson, Harry Martinson.
1974: Telnet offers commercial packet data service.
1974: James Michener, Centennial, a fictional account of a Colorado town.
1974: Heinrich B�ll, The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum.
1974: Magazine article on $439 Altair kit inspires many computer hobbyists.
1974: In Japan, Yukio Mishima's The Sea of Fertility tetralogy published after death.
1974: Oscars: The Godfather, Part II, Art Carney, Ellen Burstyn.
1974: Also at the movies: The Towering Inferno, Chinatown, Blazing Saddles.
1974: Foreign language film Oscar: Amarcord, Italy.
1974: U.S. newspapers start to replace reporters' typewriters with terminals.
1974: "Teacher-in-the-Sky" satellite begins educational mission.
1974: The word "Internet" enters the lexicon.
1974: Dolby Labs demonstrates Surround Sound and Pro Logic for movies.
1975: Philips demonstrates an optical videodisc system.
1975: The microcomputer, in kit form, reaches the U.S. home market.
1975: Gunfight, an arcade video game for two players, uses a micrprocessor.
1975: IBM portable computer, 50 lbs., cost $9,000 for 16K, $20,000 for 64K machines.
1975: Oscars: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher.
1975: Also at the movies: Jaws, Nashville, Funny Lady, Dog Day Afternoon.
1975: Steven Spielberg's Jaws will be the first film to earn more than $100 million.
1975: In Maine, the last manual telephone company switchboard is put away.
1975: Foreign language film Oscar: Dersu Uzala, U.S.S.R.
1975: Last manual telephone switchboard in Maine is retired.
1975: Peter Singer's Animal Liberation informs public of inhumane treatment.
1975: Feature film, Lisztomania has Dolby Stereo optical soundtrack.
1975: HBO's "Thrilla' from Manila," nationwide by satellite, begins pay cable boom.
1975: Substantial entertainment production for cable channels.
1975: Playwright David Mamet, American Buffalo.
1975: BASIC becomes the first programming language for the personal computer.
1975: Bill Gates and Paul Allen start a company they call Micro-Soft.
1975: Frances Lappé's Diet for a Small Planet opposes meat, sells 1.5 million copies.
1975: Venera 9 sends pictures of the surface of Venus.
1975: In Los Angeles, the first computer store; it sells assembled computers.
1975: Nobel Prize in Literature: poet Eugenio Montale, Italy
1975: Saul Bellow's comic novel Humboldt's Gift wins Pulitzer Prize.
1975: On television, Saturday Night Live.
1975: New Yorkers read Reuters news via teletext and videotex on cable.
1975: In France, a test of the Antiope text-only teletext service via TV signals.
1975: E.L. Doctorow's historical novel, Ragtime; will become 1998 Broadway musical.
1975: U.S. television networks agree to set a "family hour" free of sex and violence.
1975: Tom Wolfe writes about the astronauts, The Right Stuff.
1976: Alex Haley's search for his ancestors is published as Roots.
1976: Nobel Prize in Literature: American novelist Saul Bellow.
1976: The Apple I. Steve Jobs sells his VW van to raise manufacturing funds.
1976: Queen Elizabeth II is the first head of state to send an email message.
1976: The Cray-1 supercomputer can do 240 million calculations per second.
1976: Small satellite dishes go into residential backyards.
1976: On Broadway, Evita.
1976: "Electric Pencil," the first popular microcomputer word-processing program.
1976: Dolby stereo goes into movie theaters.
1976: Ethernet invented to speed data over coaxial cable.
1976: Court rules that "family hour" on television is unconstitutional.
1976: U.S. Copyright Act extends protection to 50 years.
1976: Viking II sends color photos from Mars.
1976: Trials begin on TCP/IP protocol for Internet.
1976: Apple computer founders design popular video game Breakout.
1976: Ted Turner delivers programming nationwide by satellite.
1976: Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS battle for home market. Sony will lose.
1976: Steadicam, a camera stabilizing system,
1976: Oscars: Rocky, Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway.
1976: Also at the movies: Network, All the President's Men, Taxi Driver.
1976: FCC reserves line 21 on television sets for closed captions.
1976: Barbara Walters is the first woman to anchor a U.S.,network newscast.
1976: Foreign language film Oscar: Black and White in Color, Ivory Coast.
1976: A still camera, Canon AE-1, uses a microprocessor.
1976: U.S. Copyright Act revison considers photocopying, fair use, interlibrary loans.
1977: Columbus, Ohio, residents try 2-way cable experiment, QUBE.
1977: Oscars: Annie Hall, Richard Dreyfuss, Diane Keaton.
1977: Also at the movies: Star Wars, Saturday Night Fever, Looking for Mr. Goodbar.
1977: Foreign language film Oscar: Madame Rosa, France.
1977: Star Wars released in 46 theaters equipped with Dolby Stereo.
1977: MCI ends AT&T exclusivity for long distance phone service.
1977: Chicago gets commercial fiber-optic communications.
1977: Apple II's floppy disk drive leads to writing of many software programs.
1977: Atari introduces a programmable home video game system in a cartridge. >
1977: The Apple II microcomputer is a best seller. Also: Commodore Pet, TRS-80.
1977: Nobel Prize in Literature: Spanish poet Vicente Aleixandre.
1977: Disco music becomes the rage.
1977: John Cheever's novel, Falconer.
1977: Toronto Globe and Mail offers public access to newspaper text database.
1977: An electronic mail system is developed at the University of Wisconsin.
1977: As a TV miniseries, Roots draws 130 million viewers over 8 nights.
1977: Stephen King's novel, The Shining, like Carrie, will become a hit movie.
1977: Nintendo begins to sell computer games.
1977: In Chicago, AT&T transmits telephone calls by fiber optics.
1978: RCA introduces the Selectavision video disc.
1978: John Irving's novel, The World According to Garp.
1978: Another Michener novel , Chesapeake, Maryland history, fiction across time.
1978: Louise Brown, the first test tube baby, born outside the womb.
1978: From Japan's Konica, the point-and-shoot, autofocus camera.
1978: BBS (Bulletin Board Software) lets computers communicate via phone modems.
1978: First tests of cellular telephones.
1978: Cellular radio gets spectrum allocated to cable channels 70 to 83.
1978: Space Invaders, the first video game to reach mainstream public.
1978: Atari's arcade game Football introduces video sports.
1978: In England, the start of a videotex and teletext system called Oracle.
1978: A nove of graphicsl, A Contract with God, by Will Eisner is published.
1978: Nobel Prize in Literature: Jewish short story writer Isaac Bashevis Singer.
1978: Broadcasting finds many uses for computers.
1978: Will Eisner’s A Contract with God is the first graphic novel.
1978: In Japan, the Captain videotex service begins public tests.
1978: Intel offers a 16-bit microprocessor.
1978: Toni Morrison's novel, Song of Solomon.
1978: PBS goes to satellite for delivery, abandoning telephone lines.
1978: Oscars: The Deer Hunter, Jon Voight, Jane Fonda.
1978: Also at the movies: Coming Home, Superman, Midnight Express, The Wiz.
1978: Foreign language film Oscar: Get Out Your Handkerchiefs, France.
1978: Herman Wouk's War and Remembrance, a best-seller, will be another mini-series.
1978: Electronic typewriters go on sale.
1978: Games like Space Invaders draw teenagers to arcades.
1979: Speech recognition machine has a vocabulary of 1,000 words.
1979: News groups arrive on the Internet.
1979: Prestel videotex provides data by television on command in England.
1979: Rap music goes beyond the streets of New York.
1979: From England, a text-only Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) game.
1979: Game players discover the Internet, especially multi-user potential.
1979: From Holland comes the digital videodisc read by laser.
1979: On Broadway, a Sondheim musical, Sweeney Todd.
1979: Atari's Lunar Lander arcade game originally designed for space program.
1979: Canada tests Telidon videotex.
1979: WordStar, an early, successful word processing program.
1979: In Japan, first cellphone network.
1979: Atari 400 and 800 model game computers.
1979: V.S. Naipaul, A Bend in the River, questions accuracy of history.
1979: Sony's Betascan shows picture in fast forward mode.
1979: A spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, turns small businesses on to computers.
1979: Nobel Prize in Literature: Greek poet Elytis Odysseus.
1979: Motorola's 68.000 microprocessor contains 68,000 transistors.
1979: Oscars: Kramer vs. Kramer, Dustin Hoffman, Sally Field.
1979: Also at the movies: Apocalypse Now, Norma Rae, All That Jazz, The Black Stallion.
1979: Foreign language film Oscar: The Tin Drum, West Germany.
1979: Computerized laser printing is a boon to Chinese printers.
1979: William Styron's, Sophie's Choice, a horrific novel of Nazi atrocity.
1979: Sony Walkman tape player starts a fad.
1979: CompuServe comes online.
1979: USENET begins.

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Sources for the timeline and accompanying information.

Copyright © Irving Fang and Kristina Ross, 1995-1996. All rights reserved.