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19th Century: Eighth Decade


forerunner of movies

Early typewriter had
foot treadle carriage
return, 1873

Afghanistan postage
stamp, Kingdom of
Kabul, 1874

Monet's Train
Claude Monet's
Arrival of the
Normandy Train
, 1877

Bell's telephone

Magneto hand telephone

1870: Stock ticker comes to Wall Street.
1870: Two from Jules Verne: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious Island.
1870: Léo Delibes' ballet, Coppélia.
1870: French postal authorities use hot air balloons during siege of Paris.
1870: William Jackson's Yellowstone photographs aid efforts to preserve U.S. heritage.
1870: Once and future prime minister Benjamin Disraeli publishes last novel, Lothair.
1870: More than 5,000 newspapers are published in the U.S.
1870: Dickens does not live to complete The Mystery of Edwin Drood.
1870: Bret Harte writes Western stories, like "The Luck of Roaring Camp."
1870: Wood pulp is widely used to make paper.
1870: Pigeons carry microphotographed secret messages in Franco-Prussian War.
1870: Telegraph across Europe and Asia connects London with Calcutta, 11,000 km.
1871: The first formal advertising agency.
1871: Japan gets a newspaper, Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun (Daily Newspaper).
1871: Verdi's opera, Aida.
1871: Arguably the toughest newspaper interview ever, Stanley meets Livingston.
1871: Wagner's opera, Siegfried.
1871: Darwin's scholarly Descent of Man raises indignation about monkey ancestors.
1871: Eliot begins serialization of her Middlemarch.
1871: In Boston, the Globe publishes.
1871: Lewis Carroll (mathematician Charles Dodgson) writes Through the Looking Glass.
1871: Jules Verne's novel, Around the World in 80 Days.
1871: Louisa May Alcott's novel, Little Men.
1871: P.T. Barnum opens a circus, calls it "The Greatest Show on Earth."
1871: Afghanistan issues postage stamps, but good only wiithin the territory.
1872: James McNeill Whistler paints a portrait of his mother.
1872: Simultaneous transmission from both ends of a telegraph wire.
1872: The Montgomery Ward mail order catalog.
1872: Under Meiji Restoration, Japan embarks on drive to expand book publishing.
1872: Mark Twain, Roughing It.
1872: George Smith deciphers cuneiform tablets containing the epic of Gilgamesh.
1872: Susan B. Anthony casts a ballot and is arrested for it.
1872: Erewhon (anagram of "Nowhere"), Samuel Butler's satire of English life.
1872: Bruckner's 2nd Symphony.
1873: U.S. postcard debuts; costs one penny.
1873: Illustrated daily newspaper appears in New York.
1873: A photograph is reproduced using halftone method.
1873: Anthony Comstock gets government O.K. to inspect mails for vice.
1873: Report about selenium, resistance and light is a step toward television.
1873: British children are required to go to school.
1873: Typewriters get the QWERTY pseudo-scientific keyboard.
1873: Lord Kelvin calculates the tides with a machine.
1873: In Ireland, May uses selenium to send a signal through the Atlantic cable.
1873: Remington starts manufacturing Christopher Sholes' typewriter.
1874: Pictures from an Exhibition by Modest Moussorgsky.
1874: Quadriplex telegraph system allows four messages to travel over single wire.
1874: Baudot telegraph code prints using five channels of paper tape.
1874: A Civil War Union Army bugle tune is officially named "Taps."
1874: Verdi's Requiem is performed.
1874: After much rejection, Modest Mussorgsky's opera, Boris Godunov performed.
1874: The peak of Viennese operetta: Johann Strauss II's, Die Fledermaus.
1874: Wagner's G�tterd�mmerung completes The Ring of the Nibelungen.
1874: 2nd Symphony wins Peter Tchaikovsky public acclaim.
1874: In France, the first show of the impressionist painters.
1874: Thomas Hardy's novel, Far from the Madding Crowd, appears serially.
1875: Universal Postal Union formed in Berne, Switzerland.
1875: In England, William Crookes builds a forerunner to the cathode ray tube.
1875: In France, the praxinoscope, an optical toy, a step toward movies.
1875: U.S. has 257 public libraries.
1875: Cheap book reprints published in series called "libraries."
1875: Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health, cornerstone of Christian Science.
1875: Edison invents the mimeograph while trying to improve telegraph tape.
1875: French composer Georges Bizet's opera Carmen has unsuccessful opening.
1875: Gilbert & Sullivan's Trial by Jury.
1875: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky's 3rd Symphony (Polish), 1st Piano Concerto.
1875: In the U.S., Carey designs a selenium mosaic to transmit a picture.
1876: "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you." Bell invents the telephone.
1876: French poet Stéphane Mallarmé's "The Afternoon of a Faun" will inspire Debussy.
1876: Feminist Annie Besant's The Legalisation of Female Slavery in England.
1876: Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the first typed novel.
1876: Amilcare Ponchielli's opera, La Gioconda.
1876: Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.
1876: Edgar Degas paints The Glass of Absinthe.
1876: The player piano.
1876: Herbert Spencer applies evolution to society, coins "the survival of the fittest."
1876: In Norway, Edvard Grieg composes the Peer Gynt Suite.
1876: Tchaikovsky's Marche Slav.
1876: National Baseball League is founded.
1876: Brahms' 1st Symphony. He labored over it for 15 years.
1877: Brahms' 2nd Symphony.
1877: Edwin Holmes builds a telephone switchboard.
1877: Bell "photophone" uses light to transmit audio, anticipates fiber optics.
1877: A weather map is printed in an Australian newspaper.
1877: Eadweard Muybridge photographs horse in motion, forerunner of movies.
1877: In France, Charles Cros invents the phonograph.
1877: In America, Edison also invents the phonograph.
1877: French composer Camille Saint-Sa‘ns' opera, Samson and Delilah.
1877: Impressionist Camille Pissarro, Red Roofs.
1877: The Fixation of Belief sets Charles Peirce as a founder of American pragmatism.
1877: Robert Louis Stevenson writes his first stories, many from a sick bed.
1877: In Japan, ten years after the first magazine is published, there are 200.
1877: Tchaikovsky's ballet, Swan Lake.
1877: The Washington Post starts printing.
1877: Emile Berliner invents the microphone. So does David Hughes.
1877: Anna Sewell's much loved novel, Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse.
1878: Brahms' Violin Concerto.
1878: Karl Klic produces a commercially successful means of photogravure printing.
1878: Portuguese professor Adriano de Paiva writes proposal for a video system.
1878: Edison invents a better microphone.
1878: Thomas Hardy's novel, The Return of the Native.
1878: Gilbert & Sullivan's operetta, HMS Pinafore.
1878: Telephone directories are issued.
1878: Thomas Edison gets a patent for a phonograph talking doll.
1878: First of 300 patents issued for acoustic "string" telephones.
1878: Quaker Oats, the first mass-marketed breakfast food.
1878: In New Haven, Connecticut, a telephone central exchange.
1878: Full page newspaper ads.
1878: Joseph Pulitzer begins empire with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
1878: Emma Nutt becomes the first woman hired as a telephone operator.
1878: Punch cartoon imagines "telephonoscope": global, interactive, flat-panel HDTV.
1878: Founding of Johns Hopkins University Press.
1878: Dry-plate photography replaces messy, inconvenient wet plates
1879: Starting in Lowell, Massachusetts, telephone numbers replace names.
1879: Benday process aids newspaper production of maps, drawings.
1879: Brahms' Violin Concerto in D.
1879: Dostoevsky's novel, The Brothers Karamazov.
1879: George Eastman builds a machine to mass produce photographic dry-plates.
1879: Gilbert & Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance.
1879: Henry James' novel, Daisy Miller.
1879: Henry George, Progress and Poverty, calls for a single tax on land.
1879: Tchaikovsky's opera, Eugene Onegin, based on Pushkin.
1879: An electric telescope is designed to capture moving images.
1879: Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House shocks audiences when Nora leaves her husband.

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Sources for the timeline and accompanying information.

Copyright © Irving Fang and Kristina Ross, 1995-1996. All rights reserved.