attempt to document that mystical process of recovery, preservation and
restoration. This will be an ongoing feature, for obvious reasons - it's
a fascinating, but neverending process! |
start with the actual discovery and recovery. Some have been lucky in that
they've stumbled on vehicles which need little more than a tow home, paint
and some mechanical TLC. Most of the rest of us have had to dig, sometimes
literally, and start with something in somewhat less than pristeen
condition. Ah well... |
important thing is that these artifacts be preserved and eventually restored,
to be appreciated not only by their proud owners, but by legions of future
, budding historians. |
We will
be documenting numerous on-going projects as time goes on, including a
unique Canadian Fox Armoured Car, several carriers and other CMPs. Who
knows what else? If you have ssomething on-the-go, and would like it displayed
here, please feel free to contact us! |
restoration is an art, and can be a damned expensive one at that! As this
portion of the site evolves, we hope to bring you some of the insights
gained by our past good and bad judgements. In the interim, please enjoy
some of the pics and commentary contained herein, which I KNOW will cause
some of you heartfelt groans. |
those new to the CMP restoration scene, we can only offer this advice:
first, avail yourselves of the unique expertise to be found in the MLU
Discussion Forum. Answers to your painful questions are usually quick in
coming, and best of all, FREE! Second, make a plan. You've looked at that
vehicle long enough...it's time to do something about it! Chassis, drivetrain,
body, accessories. One thing at a time! Have a picture in your mind, or
even on paper, of what you want to end up with... then just get on with
it! |
as always, if in the course of your travels you stumble on something interesting
- good for restoration or parts - please let us know! |
Chevrolet Staff Car
Reynolds of Wetaskiwin, Alberta is in the process of restoring this unique
right-hand drive Chev staff car... |
Sherman M4A4
soon! An enterprising individual in the U.K. has rescued an M4A4 from the
travails of range duty, and is well into a full-scale restoration... and
he needs your help! |
Lynx Scout Car
soon! A Ford Lynx Scout Car in western Canada begins its journey back from
the Great Oblivion of Abandoned Vehicles... |
A UC Mk.I*is Rescued from Oblivion
out of an overgrown bog where it had sat bellied-in for 15 years, this
carrier is now the centrepiece of Bruce Parker's collection. Follow along
as we document some of the stages of its reincarnation... |
Fox Armoured Car
of seven we know of in the world, this Canadian Fox will one day be the
ONLY fully-restored edition anywhere. Bear with us, as this will be another
two years to completion... but what a vehicle! |
Heavy Utility Wireless
A 1944
HUW, already well-past this stage! The trouble is, the Fox is taking up
way to much of Bruce's time. Oh well... |
Jim's Carrier
coming together from a miscellaneous collection of rusty parts, this Mk.I*
will run again! Jim Burrill from Pennsylvania is bound and determined to
reproduce a classic Vickers carrier from this piece... |
My own
1942 Ford F15A. Looks like hell right here, but it has one of the best
frames I've ever seen! Restoration begins in earnest this spring... |
Chev Gun Tractor
Delcommenne in Belgium is restoring a Chev Field Artillery Tractor... |
Ram Kangaroo
recovery, restoration and dedication of a unique monument to the 1st
Canadian Armoured Carrier Regiment... |
Copyright ©
Winnington-Ball , 1999-2000 All Rights Reserved |