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Discussion Groups | Religion | Inspired by Herodotus

Herodotus: Baby name information.

Information on the first printing of Herodotus, Historiae (1502)

Web Archive: Herodotus and Hemp (from a pro-hemp group).

Herodotus in Braille.

Herodotus and coffee. Complex arguments of unknown veracity.

Discussion Groups

Herodotus Lecture Hall also from the Jolly Roger. Fairly anemic.


"Herodotus And The Bible" by Wayne Jackson for the Christian Courier June, 2000. This article examines a number of (mostly minor) facts in the Hebrew Bible for which Herodotus gives similar testimony. Some of the examples are either weak or superfluous:

In Genesis, the Pharaoh is represented as having great authority (40:3, 21-22; 41:34, 41-44). Similarly the Greek historian describes the supreme control of the Egyptian rulers who could arbitrarily make laws (ii.136,177).
(Aren't there a million ways of proving that notion?) Other examples are both interesting and thought-provonking. They show what one would expect — ancient authors often possessed real knowledge about the world they lived in. On the other hand, showing that Herodotus and the bible sometimes tally hardly proves that "The precision of the ancient Scriptures is utterly amazing." In another article "Even Homer Sometimes Nods" he criticizes Herodotus for thinking Scythian oxen have no horns.

Inspired by Herodotus

Software: A browser-history tool called "Herodotus," from FatBits Software. Mac OS X only; looks very useful, especially if you visit a lot of sites like I do.

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.

If you enjoy this site you may also like these other sites by me:

Ancient Library. Exciting new project, putting dozens of classical dictionaries and other resources online. Also includes a Wiki Classical Dictionary.

Alexander the Great on the Web. Links to over 1000 images and 200 images of Alexander.

Cleopatra on the Web. Comprehensive website on Cleopatra VII of Egypt. Includes 168 images.

Hieroglyphs! Comprehensive guide and web directory to Egytian hieroglyphs.

( See all my ancient history sites )