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Griffin Pictures, Ancient

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Griffin Holding a Stag's Head in its Beak Wood and leather Pazyryk Culture c BCbrbExtraordinaryb Griffin from Didyma Turkey photo by Paul Brians Medallion with a griffin fighting an Arimaspian c BC from Praeneste in Italy
"Griffin Holding a Stag's Head in its Beak, Wood and leather," Pazyryk Culture (5c. BC)
370 x 279
Griffin from Didyma, Turkey; photo by Paul Brians.
528 x 396
"Medallion with a griffin fighting an Arimaspian" (4c. BC) from Praeneste in Italy
650 x 615
Apollo and Griffon c  BC A fresco of a griffin from the Throne Room of the Palace of Knossos in Crete Minoan Terracotta c BC
Apollo and Griffon (c. 380 BC)
576 x 566
"A fresco of a griffin from the Throne Room of the Palace of Knossos in Crete" (Minoan)
529 x 435
Terracotta (6c. BC)
700 x 570
Bronze head - BC Griffin-Camel Pazyryk Culture Russia c BC Fragment of a Felt Covering for a Saddle Pazyryk Culture c BC
Bronze head (650-625 BC)
657 x 700
Griffin-Camel, Pazyryk Culture, Russia (4c. BC)
282 x 370
Fragment of a Felt Covering for a Saddle, Pazyryk Culture (5c. BC)
370 x 208
Abdera iunknown artisti Proceratops fossil photo selected by Mayor to support her griffinproceratops theory
308 x 310
unknown artist
298 x 283
Proceratops fossil (photo selected by Mayor to support her griffin/proceratops theory)
340 x 205
Fragment of sarcophagus lid Eros riding sea griffin Late Imperial c Ivory figure of a griffin-headed demon -c BC Urartu Bronze griffin head c  BC probably from Rhodes
"Fragment of sarcophagus lid: Eros riding sea griffin" (Late Imperial, c. 180–210)
598 x 450
"Ivory figure of a griffin-headed demon" (8-7c BC), Urartu
600 x 600
"Bronze griffin head" (c. 650 BC), probably from Rhodes
600 x 600
Roman gladiator helment Abdera c - BC Athenian c
Roman gladiator helment
369 x 500
Abdera (c. 365-350 BC)
540 x 281
(Athenian 6c.)
333 x 306
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Mermaids on the Web. Similar site, but even larger, with over 1,320 pictures .

Angels on the Web. Images and other web resources on angels in Western culture, religion and art.