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Banecdotes index

Over the years, Banastre Tarleton has become the star of a variety of tall tales, some of them funny, others deadly serious and highly unflattering, some plausible, others so completely out in left field that it amazes me there is even one person on the planet who believes them.

Gathered together here is an eclectic collection of some of those "Banecdotes," including myths which need re-examining, some controversial background stories which hold a germ of truth that has long since disappeared under layer after layer of second-hand fabrication, a few tall tales which may actually be true, and a few tall tales which definitely aren't, but are fun to read about anyway. For lack of a better place to tuck them, this list will also become home to bits of background information which (hopefully) add clarity to the overall picture.

(Note: Now that the list is getting longish, I've broken this index down by categories. If you happen to be reading through using the previous/next links, the combined list is presented in reverse order of date added.)

Background Articles

Anecdotes and Tales, Tall or Otherwise

Return to the Main Page Last updated by the Webmaster on July 3, 2006