Kursk - Yakovlev Yak-1

Yakovlev Yak-1 Fighter
Year - 1940 Crew - 1 Engines - 1 1,100hp Klimov M-105PA
Span (m) Length (m) Height (m) Wing Area (m2)
10 8.47 1.7 17.15
Weight (Kg) Max Weight (Kg) Speed (Km/h) Ceiling (m) Range (Km)
2,410 2,895 580 10,000 850
1 20mm Cannon; 2 7.62mm MG; 200Kg Bomb load
The Yak-1 was the first of a line of small, nimble fighters, relatively primitive in many respects, but easy to build and maintain, and with fine performance and handling at low altitude. They were lightly armed and had low performance at higher altitude. The Yak-series was the most important Soviet fighter of WWII. 8,721 Yak-1s were built.


© Alan Wilson 1997, 1998, 1999 Last update: 13/11/99 04:03:27 PM GMT