Miscellaneous Items

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The DeLome Letter ||| McKinley Reports - the MAINE's loss

McKinley's Declaration of War ||| Spanish Decalaration of War

A Letter to Sweden - May, 1898 ||| The Santiago Surrender Document

McKinley explains his decision to retain the Philippines

Admiral Dewey's views on the Rules Governing a Naval Blockade

The Surrender of Manila: Letters between Spanish and American Forces

The Agreement to Surrender Manila to American Forces

The Spanish soldiers praise the Americans in a farewell address from Cuba

Composition of the Spanish Continental Army

Spanish Magazine El Cardo on McKinley and Sagasta

Pay Rates for U.S. Navy Personnel

Assorted Images

Cover of an 1899 Book about the War
The background of this site is a scan of the book's endpapers!

Hotel Tampa Bay
Headquarters of the US Army in Florida (and it's still standing!!)

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