New Jersey Women's History



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Hannah Kinney’s Records of the Newark Female Charitable Society, 1803-1804
Courtesy,  New Jersey Historical Society, Newark, NJ
 Kinney Family Papers, MG 785, Box 1, record books. The History of the Newark Female Charitable Society (Newark, NJ: Newark Female Charitable Society, 1903).

1803 Transcription


Newark, Feby 16th 1803

This day I visited Martha a poor infirm

old black woman living in the north subburbs [sic]

of the Town supplied her with a load of wood

as per amount – 31st Jany 1804 wood ditto


Feby 18th [1803] This day visited a Mrs Moore living at the

North end of the Town found her very sick her husband

& ill child of a week old / the nurse compose her family

supplied her with some flannel as per amount

[? ]-- having found that the womans husband

is in the [?] of good wages now determined no longer

to supply her --




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