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 Diary of Jemima Condict (1772-1779)
Source: Diary of Jemima Condict 1754-1779
New Jersey Historical Society.

“Monday Wich was Called Training Day 
I Rode with my Dear father Down to 
see them train there. Being Several 
Companys met together. I thought 
It Would Be a mournfull Sight to see if 
they had Been fighting in earnest & how 
soon they will be Calld forth to the 
field of war we Cannot tell, for by
What we Can hear the the Quarels are not
like to be made up Without bloodshed.
I have jest Now heard Say that All hopes of Conciliation 
Between Briten & her Colonies are at an end
for Both the king and his Parliament have 
announced our Destruction. Fleet and
armies are Preparing with utmost diligence for that Purpose.

On April 23, as every Day Brings New
Troubels So this Day Brings News 
that yesterday very early in the morning 
They began to fight at Boston, the regulars. 
We hear Shot first there: they killd 30 of our men 
A hundred & 50 of the Regulors.



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