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Blandina Kiersted Bayard’s Purchase of Land from the Hackensack Indians, 1700


To All Christian People and other to whom

these presents shall or may come or whom The Premises

shall or may concern.  Know Ye that We Serikham[1]

Ameharing  Orahhenap  Orapeghin  Ahkenham

Suckarine  Taramedes  Nemerisennck  Onan

= nekeman, Awesewanghke  Newawightan  Ongh

= queckquenas  Apiscoa  Ackemaightan  Nanwe

= ron, Nansaweson  Cominamangh  Noundam

Weamquamdewew being the right Owners and

Natural proprietors of five certain parcells [sic.] or

Tracts of Land scituate [sic] lying and being within

the province of New York called by us Indians

Ramapough  Iapough  Iandakagh (& Campque)

containing in breadth three Dutch Miles and

in length four Dutch Miles Now

Know Ye that We the Indians above mentioned for divers

Good Causes and Several Kindnesses received but

especially for Sundry Goods and Wares to us by

Blandina Bayard of the City of New York Widow

well and truely [sic] paid to the Value of one hundred

and Twenty pounds Current Money of New York

with the which We Acknowledge that We are fully

Satisfied Contented and paid Have fully freely

and absolutely given Granted Bargained and

Sold and do by these presents give Grant Bargain

and Sell unto her the said Blandina Bayard all

and Singular the said four parcells [sic] or Tracts of

Land before mentioned with their and every of

their priviledges [sic] and appurtenances to them belong

= ing and all the right and Title property and poses

= sion Claim and demand whatsoever of us the

said Indians of in or to the Same To have

and to hold the said five Tracts or parcels

of land before Granted with their and every

of their appurtenances to her the Said Blandina

Bayard her heirs and Assigns to the only proper

use and Behoof of her the said Blandina

Bayard her heirs and assigns forever.  In

Witness whereof  we have hereunto Set our hands

and seals the tenth day of August in the twelfth

Year of his Majesty’s Reign Anno Dom. 1700

Serikham  his ~ mark (LS)[2] Ameharing  his ~  mark (LS) Oraghe

= nap his ~ mark (LS)  Orapeghin  his ~ mark (LS)  Ashkenhim

his   mark (LS) Suckarin  his . mark (LS) Taramedes  his . mark (LS)

Nemeriscunck  his ~ mark (LS)  Onaneckeman his ~ mark (LS)

Awesewanghke his . mark (LS) Newanwightan his . mark (LS)

Onghqueckquena his . mark (LS) Apiscoa  his . mark (LS)

Ackemaighan his . mark (LS)  Nanweron her .  mark (LS)

Cominameugh  her .  mark (LS)  Noundam  her . mark (LS)

Weamquamdemaugh  her ~ mark (LS)  Signed Sealed

and Delivered by the above mentioned Indians

in the presence of us and Memerandum [sic] that the

words (& Camque) was Interlyn’d before Sealing

and delivery hereof.  Pyeter Synkam   Jacob Blom 

Wm Huddleston      See four Indians signe viz.  

Serickham  Oraghenap   Orapeghin   Ahkenhim ~

New York Secretarys Office 10th August 1769

The afore written is true copy of the record of this

Office in Lib. Records of Lycences to purchase Lands

&c.  page 91 &c.    Examined by me

                                Signed  Gw Banyard D Secr’y[3]

[1]   Because there was no written Lenape language at the time, the deed recorder guessed at a spelling of the names of the 19 men and women who sold the land.  His spellings differ within the document.

[2]  (LS) stands for locus sigilli, the legal term indicating the location of a seal in the original.

[3]  G[oldbro]w Banyar, the Deputy Secretary of the Royal Commission for Settling the Boundaries of New York and New Jersey, copied the original deed as evidence in the Commission’s 1769 hearings.


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