Windsor Carrier was a late-war unit produced
in a single batch of 5,000 in 1944-1945. As with the American T-16, it
was designed for towing trailers and light anti-tank guns, the extra bogie
wheel providing more stability than in the original carrier design. |
it bears some similarity to the T-16 in terms of having the extra road
wheel on each side, the Windsor still maintained the combination track
warp/brake steering of the earlier Universals, for agility. |
was also lengthened noticeably, from the standard 144 inches overall of
the Mk.II* / 155 inches overall of the T-16, to 172 inches overall.
A Windsor can be readily identified at a glance by the gap between the
two bogie sets on each side. |
stowage and fittings are very similar to the Mk.II*, there were other minor
changes, such as the provision for, and inclusion of, roof bows and a tarp
for all-weather crew protection. The front fenders and skirts are different,
although as will be seen below, there were at least a few - possibly early
production numbers - Windsors sporting standard Universal Carrier fenders
and skirts. |
It becomes
obvious on examination that the Windsor would have provided a much more
stable towing platform for the 6pdr AT gun, as well as allowing much greater
crew comfort. Although I am unaware of any specific shipping records, if
they exist at all, it is safe to say that most, if not all of the production
run was shipped overseas to replace mechanical and combat losses in frontline
units. We are not aware of any Windsors remaining in Canada at this time,
although a few exist in the U.K. |
Windsor Carriers
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