Foreign Language


Web Archive: "Ibn Khaldun: ses peregrinations et ses ambitions" by Mustapha El Kasri for le Temps du Maroc 1999. Longish popular article.

Web Archive: "Ibn Khaldun: un psychopedagogue-reformateur" another interesting popularization by the same author from the next issue.


German Wikipedia's excellent (but ever-changing) encyclopedia entry .

"Vom Nomadentum zu Stadt und Staat" by Frank Bliss, courtesy Deutsche Stiftung fur internationale Entwicklung. Translate


Web Archive: "Ibn Jaldun: El Primer Sociplogo de la Historia" by R.H. Shamsuddin Elia, Instituto Argentino de Cultura Islamica. From a large La Civilizacion del Islam.


Web Archive: Ibn Chaldun (1332-1406). Muqqadima - Historia - Historiozofia by Hassan Ali Jamsheer. Polish book, described in English.

Brazilian Portuguese biography.

Esperanto (no kidding) Wikipedia entry.

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.

Richard Burton on the Web. Everything about the explorer and translator of the 1001 Nights.

Ibn Battuta on the Web. Everything about the great 14th century Muslim traveler.

The Complete Petra. Comprehensive guide to Petra, the "lost" city of Jordan.