
The Encyclopedia of Islam (the scholarly source online). Kudos to Muhammad Hozien for putting this online, together with other entries on Muslim Philosophy.

Ibn Khaldun in Arabic. This site (in Arabic and therefore closed to me) contains the Muqadima, the Ibar (History) and Tareef (Autobiography). Will someone with Arabic write a better description of the contents? Also available at, which doesn't admit of deep-linking.

"Ibn Khaldoun, précurseur médiéval de l'histoire des civilisations" from Fernand Braudel's "La longue, l'inepuisable duree des civilisations." Un texte classique de Fernand Braudel. Braudel goes in serch of his antecedents. French language, obviously.

"Ibn Khaldun and Comte: Discontinuity or Progress" by Lars Frers. Argues for using Ibn Khaldun in social theory classes, comparing him to Hobbes and Comte.

"Alchemy in Ibn Khaldun's Muqaddimah" by Prof. Hamed A. Ead, Cairo University. Introduction and selections.

"Ibn Khaldun's Civil Society" by Maverick F. Fisher. Midterm paper compares the views of Khaldun and the American political scientist Robert Putnam for a class studying civil society at UT, Austin.

"Islamic political thought: Ibn Khaldun" by R. J. Kilcullen, for a class in political theory at Macquarie University, Australia. Deft analysis, drawn primarily from Mushin Mahdi's Ibn Khaldun's Philosophy of History.

"Islam and the Medieval Progenitors of Austrian Economics" 1995 conference paper by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Minaret of Freedom Institute. Ibn Khaldun and Murray Rothbard. Khaldun is also mentioned frequently in the author's "An Islamic Perspective on the Wealth of Nations."

"Ibn Khaldun and Education" by Fahri Kayadibi, abstract.

Meagre academic bibliography . Would now be a good time to note that Esposito is a poser? No, probably not.

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.

Richard Burton on the Web. Everything about the explorer and translator of the 1001 Nights.

Ibn Battuta on the Web. Everything about the great 14th century Muslim traveler.

The Complete Petra. Comprehensive guide to Petra, the "lost" city of Jordan.