FRtR > Essays > Civilizations under Siege

Civilizations under Siege: The European Conquest of the Americas

Index (27)

By Edward J. Dodson

    Not Quite all Quiet on the Western Front

  1. Viking Settlement and the Mandans
  2. Development of the Indigenous Tribes

    Life before Europeans Arrived

  3. The Appearance of Settled and More Highly Structured Groups
  4. Communitarian Way of Life
  5. The Debate over the Morality Questions
  6. The Quest for Land

    To Divide and Conquer

  7. Pattern of Exploration and Annihilation
  8. Resisting the European Onslaught
  9. Jefferson's Attitude towards the Indigenous Peoples
  10. "Democratical Radicals"

    African Empires and Societies

  11. African Empires
  12. European Conquest & Commerce in Africa

    The Quest for Monopoly in the East

  13. Portugal & Spain: Quest for Monopoly in the East
  14. Spain's Territorial Conquest in the Americas

    North/South Conflicts Reach the Americas

  15. Europe's North/South Conflicts Reach the Americas
  16. Shifting the Balance of Power
  17. Right of Occupancy in North America
  18. Conflict for Soveignty in North America Continued

    Sovereignty Denied

  19. First European Exploration and Exploitation
  20. Unanticipated Changes lead to War
  21. Final Stage of Conquest
  22. Westward Migration towards the Interior

    Purchasing Sovereignty from Thieves

  23. Creating a Frontier Society after the Louisiana Purchase
  24. Tribal Resistance under the Leadership of Tecumseh
  25. Removal of the Cherokees to Oklahoma
  26. The Seeds of Empirebuilding
  27. Conclusion