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Tensions between the English and
Spanish thrones continued, finally
to sanction an expedition under
against the
Spanish fleet anchored at Cadiz in
southeastern Spain. Raleigh joined
forces with England's temporary ally,
the Dutch, and their combined forces
destroyed the Spanish fleet before its
ships could reach open waters.
Destruction of their naval protection
left the Cadiz open to a landing by
English and Dutch soldiers, and
Robert Devereux (the Earl of Essex)
plundered the town. In retaliation, a
second Armada was sent by Philip the
following year. This time, with her
navy away from home, Elizabeth I
knew that England was extremely
vulnerable; once again, however,
terrible storms in the north Atlantic
devastated the Armada. Elizabeth,
plagued by meager finances and
domestic intrigues, turned cautious.
Ireland was once again in rebellion
against English authority. Devereux,
dispatched to Ireland with a large
force, failed to restore order and
returned to England, with vague and
certainly ill-planned intentions of
taking power from Elizabeth; he failed
in this enterprise as well and was
executed. Command of Elizabeth's
army in Ireland was given to Lord
Mountjoy, an extremely able
strategist, who crushed the rebellion
and restored English control.
Elizabeth's continued reign was
assured, but in one of the great ironies
of history,
Richard II
(a metaphor for Essex's intrigue
against Elizabeth) included the
passage quoted in the previous
chapter, words that captured the rising
sense of nationalism and unity within
the English population. Shakespeare
expressed a universal sentiment the
people of England were feeling toward
their country, an attachment that grew
independent of (or in spite of)
commitment to monarchy or any
authority. Elizabeth might preserve her
throne and even die in her sleep, but
the socio-political structure of English
society was moving away from her
form of leadership and control.
As the third decade of the seventeenth century began, the Dutch actually emerged first among the challenges to Spanish and Portuguese hegemony in the Americas. Dutch privateers raided Spanish and Portuguese settlements with increasing frequency and in 1628 captured a Spanish treasure fleet leaving the West Indies. In the meantime, the Anglo-Dutch alliance had also fallen apart as a result of the growing rivalry between these two powerful states. France was also entering the quest for new markets and territories in the Americas; and, a Franco-Spanish alliance aroused a strong Protestant reaction in England, so that by 1627 tensions erupted into war.
An English fleet under the
command of David Kirke defeated and
captured a French force in the Gulf of
St. Lawrence, then went on to seize
several French fortifications. As a
reward for their efforts, Kirke and his
brothers received a charter from
Charles I, who had ascended to the
throne in 1625 after the death of
I, to establish a colony on Cape Breton
Island at the entrance to the St.
Lawrence seaway. With this charter,
of course, came a monopoly over trade
with the indigenous tribes and any
Europeans who might settle within the
jurisdiction of Kirke's grant. Peace
between France and England returned
in 1632, however; and, with the
signing of the treaty Kirke was forced
to relinquish his landholdings to the
In the meantime, the Franco-Spanish alliance broke down in a dispute over control of continental territory in the northern part of the Italian peninsula. France also soon became embroiled in war with the Hapsburg empire. In 1630, Spain and the Hapsburgs reached an accord, then formed an alliance against the Dutch. The balance of power among these European states changed once again in 1640, when the Portuguese withdrew from the Spanish empire and entered an alliance with France and England against Spain. The Portuguese also successfully drove the Dutch from Brazil and other Portuguese colonial outposts. Despite this setback for Dutch territorial desires, the formal granting of independence by Spain in 1648 stimulated the new United Provinces (i.e., the Netherlands) to renew their colonial adventures in the Americas.
Another dynamic was added, favoring Dutch desires, when England's attentions were diverted by internal strive between Charles I and Parliament. Charles I was determined to restore the powers of absolute monarchy to the English throne, and in the process dislodge the Common Law with royal prerogatives. Almost immediately, the Scots revolted against Charles and this perceived oppression. Charles, in desperate need of finances and without a standing army, summoned a Parliament in 1640 in an effort to resolve these problems. Under the leadership of Edward Coke, however, this Parliament set about to dismantle the royal prerogatives claimed by Charles I. Civil war finally broke out in 1642 and continued for four years. During this period, the Dutch took maximum advantage of the English absence from the high seas.
By 1650 civil war in England had
ended and Charles I had been
executed. New leadership had also
emerged in the Netherlands. Factions
in both countries now hoped for
reconciliation, alliance and even the
possibility of unification under one
government. More powerful, however,
were the vested interests in each
country that sought protection from
competition. Under the newly-formed
Commonwealth of England the House
of Commons was made supreme, and
both the monarchy and House of
Lords were abolished. The
administration of government was
vested in the hands of a new Council
of State. In 1650-51 Parliament passed
two Acts that virtually prohibited
direct trade between the Dutch and
England's colonies in North America.
Moreover, England claimed as its own
all of North America from the
southern boundary of Virginia up to
Newfoundland. A brief war broke out
over these trade and territorial
disputes, ending in 1654 after
negotiations by England's new Lord
Oliver Cromwell, and a
Dutch agreement to honor English
claims to North America. After
Cromwell's death and England's return
to monarchy under
Charles II, the
Anglo-Dutch disputes accelerated.
The English basis for claiming sovereignty over North America rested on the settlements established in Virginia, Maryland and New England between 1606 and 1640 by two private joint-stock ventures -- the Northern Company and the London Company. The first northern colony (in Maine) failed to last one winter, and only repeated rescue missions sustained the first southern colony of Jamestown. Soon, however, the promise of free land brought immigrants in ever larger numbers. Poorly conceived plans to diversify the Virginia colony's economy brought financial disaster to the London Company, which was dissolved in 1624. Granted a royal charter, the colony continued to expand in an atmosphere of salutary neglect. Farms and plantations stretched out along the banks of the inland rivers of the Virginia tidewater region. The first Africans were brought to Jamestown in 1619, their numbers increasing after immigration of indentured workers was restricted by the English Parliament.
A haven for English and Irish catholics had been created when Charles I split off the northern portion of the Virginia colony and gave this land to Sir George Calvert (the first Lord Baltimore). Although few catholics actually migrated to Maryland, the colony's assembly was the first to pass a law guaranteeing toleration in the practice of one's religion. The Puritans, after establishing their own English Congregational Church, left for North America in 1620 to create a new society in which they could practice their own religious beliefs without interference. They were followed in 1681 by William Penn's noble experiment in toleration that became Pennsylvania.
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