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As English naval power grew
stronger under
Elizabeth I (1558-1603), England drifted toward direct
conflict with Spain.
Francis Drake and
John Hawkins aroused Spanish ire by
their exploits in the West Indies, and
Elizabeth was under great pressure
from the Spanish to bring them to
justice. Elizabeth had no desire for a
costly war with Spain but welcomed
the riches being added to her treasury
by these English naval captains. With
its resources already spread thin on the
continent and unable to defend her
colonies, Elizabeth gambled that
Philip would not move against
England, relying on a foreign policy
agenda that had served English
monarchs well since the thirteenth
century. In the words of G.M.
From Tudor times onwards, England treated European politics simply as a means of ensuring her own security from invasion and furthering her designs beyond the ocean. Her insularity, properly used, gave her an immense advantage over Spain and France in the maritime and colonial contest.
England's rapidly expanding naval fleet was only one important outward sign that changes were afoot in the British Isles. Of the new empire-building states, England had moved the greatest distance from feudalism and headlong into privatization of landed property for commercial exploitation. The conversion of large tracts of rural land from subsistence agriculture to pastures for cattle and sheep sent peasants into the towns and, increasingly, to the ports where shipbuilding and commerce thrived. Henry VIIIs navy was, therefore, manned by a large and well-established class of private merchants and seamen who shared a degree of social equality previously unknown. At the direction of Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Drake then forged the privateers into a well-disciplined fighting force. G.M. Trevelyan notes with obvious approval that Drake instinctively recognized the "the hierarchy of the sea is not the same as the hierarchy of the land."
From the very beginning of her
ventures into the Americas, then,
England dispatched no conquistadors
of a type similar to those who carried
the Spanish or Portuguese flags during
the sixteenth century; rather,
individuals formed joint stock
companies to explore and exploit
whatever lands and resources might be
found. Charters were granted by
Elizabeth I to the Muscovy, Levant
and East India Companies.
Sir Walter Raleigh
then acted on his grant -- over
the whole of North America north of
Florida -- by organizing two
unsuccessful attempts to establish
settlements on Roanoke Island (off the
coast of North Carolina). The first
group gave up and returned after one
year; the second group of 117 men,
women and children disappeared
without a trace before a relief
expedition arrived in 1590. There is
some evidence that these colonists
attempted to establish a new
settlement on another island, named
Croatoan, located thirty miles south
and closer to the North Carolina coast.
Robert Lacey, in his biography of
Ralegh, speculates that "the colonists
were probably attacked ... by hostile
Indians [but that] the women and
children would almost certainly have
been spared and incorporated into the
Indian community, intermarrying and
adopting willy-nilly the lifestyle of
their savage masters." Lacey provides
more than circumstantial evidence to
support his conclusion:
There are, in fact, in the present day Robertson County of North Carolina survivors of a tribe of Indians called the Croatoans whose language incorporates incongruous words of Elizabethan English. Some of them have fair hair and blue eyes -- and some even carry the same surnames as Sir Walter Raleigh's lost colonists.
Elizabeth I was moving with
deliberate caution into the Americas.
Henry VIII had left her with a nearly
empty treasury, which only a gradual
expansion of trade (and the
privateering of Drake and Hawkins)
managed to restore. Her support of the
Dutch in their war of independence
against Spain finally startled the
Spaniards out of complacency toward
England's increasing boldness. Despite
Spanish protests, Drake was knighted
by Elizabeth I upon his return to
England in 1580. Then, in 1587 the
English queen added even more fuel to
the fire by ordering the execution of
Mary (Queen of Scots), Catholic heir
to the English throne. Mary's
execution ignited war with Catholic
Spain, and Philip II proceeded to claim
the English throne as his own. Now,
all he had to do was to take England
by force.
The ensuing naval battle between the English navy and the Spanish Armada represented in the widest sense a contest between a fragile, though comparatively open society and a declining feudalistic empire. The outcome on the oceanic battleground proved to be a serious disaster for the Spaniards. After losing a significant number of ships and men in the actual fighting, the escaping Armada was torn apart by storms and wrecked against the Scottish and Irish coasts, where Celtic tribesmen murdered and stripped thousands of Spanish soldiers as they came ashore. Out of 130 ships, less than half managed to return to Spain. The balance of power in Europe shifted almost immediately away from Spain and to northern Europe.
Spain's socio-political structure and the internal strife this caused would have eventually brought about a similar result; however, the loss of this military capability hastened the Spanish decline; and, as Trevelyan suggests, the future of European history may have been altered in an even more encompassing fashion:
The defeat of the Armada ensured the survival of the Dutch Republic and the emancipation of France under Henri IV from Spanish arms and policies. Less directly it saved Protestant Germany, whose Lutheran Princes, at this crisis of the onslaught made by the organized and enthusiastic forces of the Counter-Reformation, had shown themselves more interested in persecuting their Calvinist subjects than in helping the common cause. The fate of the Armada demonstrated to all the world that the rule of the seas had passed from the Mediterranean peoples to the Northern folk. This meant not only the survival of the Reformation in Northern Europe to a degree not fully determined, but the world-leadership of the Northerners in the new oceanic era.
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