Just wondering if you might know where I could find some used utility poles near Michigan.
Is there any way that we can start a business in this pole business?
I am looking for quality used utility poles to build a cabin with. If you know of anyone who sells them, please e-mail me any information you might have.
Would you have any information as to where I can purchase utility poles in Connecticut?
I am looking for fake poles, made of either fiberglass/plastic resin or of styrofoam. Any idea where I could get some 10 footers?
I wonder if you know what happens to all the old poles once they are taken down.
How are telephone poles made? Are they tree trunks? If so, where are they getting these tall straight trees?
I am in the process of getting electricity put to my summer home to which I want to retire. Why do they have to go underground? They say it's hard to run telephone lines with electric lines. It would cost me $3.50 per ft. for electric and $3.00 per ft. telephone line. I am two miles from both sources, which together would cost me $75,000.00. This is up in northern Wisconsin. What do you think?
I was wondering if you have any information on the costs of utility poles, or perhaps there is somewhere that you know of, that I can find out. I've been searching the web and I haven't found any information about manufacturing costs, or costs in general.
My friends and I were wondering what the tear drop shaped thing is connected to the bottom wire of a telephone pole. They are usually about 1/2 mile apart and are rather thick. It looks like some kind of antenna. Just wondering.
Hello. I'm not sure if you can help me or not, but I'll give it a shot, anyway. A friend of mine would like to purchase a utility pole. They are moving into a new trailer, and will need electrical hookup. The electric company is charging a couple thousand dollars, for the pole itself. She asked me to look online to see if there is anywhere, they might be able to purchase it themselves.
We are not sure if this is possible, as I have never heard of anyone doing it, but, that doesn't mean some people don't. If you can help, in any way, please contact me. Her computer is not up and running, so I will relay anything you would send my way.
I appreciate your time, and Thank you, in advance for your help. Hope to hear from you soon.
Hello, My boss has about 300-400 telephone poles that he is looking to sell. Do you know who would be interested in purchasing old telephone poles? They are located in Amboy, CA, 3 hours south-east of LA. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
I am interested in finding out if there are any standards concerning the
placement of utility poles in relation to roads or roadways. For instance, is there a minimum number of feet the industry requires or suggests a utility pole be placed from a road or highway to insure the safe passage of
individuals using the road? Is there any recognition that placing a pole to
close to a roadway may cause a hazard or be hazardous? Your input is appreciated.
I was wondering if you have any information on the costs of utility poles, or perhaps there is somewhere that you know of, that I can find out. I've been searching the web and I haven't found any information about manufacturing cost, or cost in general.
I was looking through your sight and had a question for you. Is there any standard for how far a utility pole should be from the road? Where could such standards be found? Are these things governed locally or are there national guidelines? Any information you have regarding utility poles and regulations would be helpful.
I am interested in finding out if there are "standards" concerning the checking of poles for rot - how it is done, how often it should be done and the typical % of rotted poles that one could expect to find for a utility company.
I work for a consulting firm who deals mainly with fiber optics. As the direction of work has changed drastically from buried to attached
we have begun to do pole analysis for companies who want to attach to existing poles. With this we are making a guide to help the field personnel
to correctly identify attachments. I am writing to ask if you might have any pictures or know of a site or person I could get pole attachment hardware pics from.
I am trying to find out what the normal distance is between the upper electric wires, the lower cable TV wires, and the telephone wires that run between power poles.
I work for a tree company that is currently doing some electrical hazard
awareness training, and I'm trying to locate information on how to
determine potential voltages in a given power line. We know that the
number of insulators and height of wires on the pole are indicators of
relative voltage, but how could someone determine maximum voltage
potential within a system? I have come up short on the internet, and
would appreciate any leads to this info that you could provide. Thank you.