9th Armoured Regiment
(The British Columbia Dragoons)

5th Canadian Armoured Division

Battle Honours, WWII

Liri Valley, Melfa Crossing, Gothic Line, Pozzo Alto Ridge, Lamone Crossing, Naviglio Canal, Fosso Munio, Conventello-Comacchio, Italy, 1944-1945, Ijsselmeer, Delfzijl Pocket, North-West Europe, 1945.

Historical Sketch

Details of the Regiment were placed on active service on 01 September 1939 for local protective duty. The Regiment mobilized the 5th Canadian Motorcycle Regiment, C.A.S.F. (B.C.D.) on 24 May 1940. The unit was converted and redesignated The British Columbia Dragoons on 09 February 1941 and again on 11 February 1941 as the 9th Armoured Regiment (The British Columbia Dragoons). It embarked for the United Kingdom on 13 November 1941 as the junior armoured regiment of 2nd Armoured Brigade, 5th Canadian Armoured Division. After the re-organization of Canadian armoured formations in early 1943, the Regiment landed in Italy on 19 December 1943 as the junior armoured regiment of 5th Armoured Brigade, 5th Canadian Armoured Division . It fought in Italy until February of 1945 when it moved to North-West Europe with the rest of 1st Canadian Corps. The active unit was disbanded on 31 January 1946. A 9th (Reserve) Armoured Regiment (The British Columbia Dragoons) served in the Reserve Army.

Unit Serial And Arm Of Service Sign, 1942

Unit Serial And Arm Of Service Sign, 1943-1945

Formation Sign, 5th Canadian Armoured Division

See Also:

The British Columbia Dragoons: Gallantry Awards

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