British/Commonwealth Armoured Division


(A) Changes: Under the above authorization an armoured reconnaissance regiment (WEII/253/1 wef 13 April 1943) replaced the armoured car regiment which went to corps troops. Two Royal Horse Artillery regiments were changed to one Royal Horse Artillery or field regiment (towed) and one field regiment (SP). The infantry brigade support group (formerly company) became infantry brigade troops. (See May 1942 Basic Organization)

(B)Tank Establishment of an Armoured Division Including Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment):

HQ Armoured Division 8 Cruisers
2 AA Tanks
8 Tanks (Plus 2 AA Tanks)
HQ Armoured Brigade 10 Cruisers 10 Tanks
Armoured Regiments (3) Each 55 Cruisers
6 CS Cruisers
8 AA Tanks
183 Tanks (Plus 24 AA Tanks)
Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment 31 Cruisers
12 CS Cruisers
8 AA Tanks
43 Tanks (Plus 8 AA Tanks)
  TOTAL: 244 Tanks (Plus 34 AA Tanks)

(C) In October-November 1943 various changes took place in the above Establishments. The armoured reconnaissance regiment was changed to an armoured reconnaissance regiment (type B), WE II/156/1 wef 05 November 1943, by which its tank Establishment was increased by 33 tanks. Headquarters Armoured Brigade was increased by 8 Observation Post tanks - WE II/101/3 wef 30 November 1943. The War Establishment of an armoured regiment was increased by 11 light tanks - WE II/151/3 wef 30 November 1943. Infantry brigades (18, 131 and 133 lorried) of ME and CMF armoured divisions ceased to be called "lorried" in October 1943. A bridging troop Royal Engineers was added to Armoured Division Royal Engineers (WO Record Letters 1943 page 702 dated 01 October 1943). The effect of these changes is shown in the March 1944 Basic Organization.

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