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To 16 Field Regiment

16 Field Regiment, RNZA


Because of the dominance of 16 Field Regiment over the last fifty years, images of its activities are spread throughout this website. As well as those in articles, check the Photo Gallery. Here are some that represent activities of the Regiment:

43 Light Air Defence Battery
Kaipara 1999

Battle of Kapyong
162 Battery
Korean War, 1950-53

Ron Maloney
Regimental Light Aid Detachment

Setting muzzle velocity
161 Battery
Vietnam, 1970

Combined Battery (161/163)
Waiouru 1999

Regimental Command Post
Waiouru 1999

First NZ gunners to the South Pole
Antarctica 1973

Antarctica 1973

Raising money for Telethon

Timor 2000

O Group
Malaya 1976

Gun position
Malaya 1972

161 Battery BQMS Jim Elliott
Fiji c.1976

Gunner Allan Portman (left)
and 2nd Lieutenant GED Williams
at the Director bringing the
guns into action.
Fiji 1974

Bombardier Grant Robb receiving the Top Gunner award for the month from US Colonel Pruit.
Hawaii 1980

General Acland visits Assembly Point Lima.
Rhodesia 1979

16 Field Regiment    |    161 Battery    |    162 Battery    |    163 Battery
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