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14 LAA Regt

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Formed 7 Jan 41 at Papakura Camp. Sailed from Wellington on 7 April on Nieuw Amsterdam to Singapore and arrived in Egypt with the 5th Reinforcements May 1941. Could not get its proper Bofors guns and equipment until it reached a theatre of operations so it trained with 18-pounders.

Original Commander: LtCol KWR Glasgow
Original RSM: WO1 AJ Holland
Original strength: 920 all ranks


  • RHQ
  • 41 Battery (A, B, C Troops)
  • 42 Battery (D, E, F Troops)
  • 43 Battery (G, H, K Troops)
  • X Battery
  • 1 Survey Troop

G Troop was reactivated in 1997 in order to operate the Very Low Level Air Defence System for the New Zealand Army.

See also:
History of 14 NZ LAA Regt NZA by LtGen Sir Leonard Thornton
2Lt Brock and the 6-in Gun at Alamein by Maj Bruce Brock
Images of North Africa from Struan MacGibbon, 14 LAA

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