to Post an Ad |
While this feature is disabled on the website at the moment, you can alternately use the link on the sidebar to get to our new Forum; follow the instructions to register as a user, and you will be able to post your item in a new thread in the "For Sale or Trade" forum!
Include your email address, or a phone number, or a snail-mail contact
route (if no one can find you, it ain't much good!). Please restrict your
advertising to relevent WW2 stuff - we reserve the right to edit and/or
refuse advertising and/or links we feel are inappropriate to the target
audience of this site. (We can do this, because it's FREE).
Let us know if you buy or sell whatever it is you posted for. All posted
prices in American dollars unless specified. No free postings by dealers
under company name - a nominal charge will apply in those cases, so contact
us for details. |
Bumf |
contained herein are the private property of the listee and are in no way
guaranteed by MAPLE
LEAF UP, or any of its officers or associates
unless otherwise specified." |
LEAF UP provides this forum free-of-charge
to interested collectors, and receives no compensation express or implied
for any item sold herein, nor are responsible for the existence or accurate
advertising of any given item, except as noted in any given ad. Potential
Buyers on this forum deal directly with the posted sellers in all aspects
of the transaction. Contact us only in the event an email address fails
to work (or, to pat us on the back... or to simply chat about CMPs et al). |
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