Did you know? Women are emotionally stimulated, and men are visually stimulated - give accordingly.
TakeawaysAlthough men can be sentimental, a visually stimulating or practical gift may be more meaningful.If hoidays are a tough time for your veteran, give the gift before or after the exact time.Consumable gifts like foods or cigarettes are always appreciated.
The next time you see a veteran of any war, thank them; that’s the greatest gift he or she will ever receive. However, many people, first of all, may not be so bold to thank a stranger, and secondly, it’s not always evident who the veterans are unless they are wearing tell-tale gear.
There sometimes seems to be no best gift idea for the true veteran. When veterans want to be left alone on the holidays, or not included in their own birthday celebration it’s not because the givers have not chosen the right gift, it’s because they are reflecting on what’s really important in life. Special occasions often bring these feelings to the forefront of the veteran’s current life; and sometimes it’s okay to let him reflect.
However, even every veteran knows that there’s always an exception to the rule. You know your veteran – what is his favorite time of the year? Is it when he goes fishing for the first time in the year? Or is it when he’s isolated in a giant snowstorm? Determine first what it is that communicates with him. Keep in mind that his best form of communication may not be yours. If you like to sit and gab for two hours and he likes to listen to the radio, this may present a problem.
Knowing what to give is as critical as knowing when to give a gift. If your soldier enjoys his morning coffee and cigarette with the sunrise as he has for the past twenty-some-odd years, 6 a.m. is not the best time to present him with a gift. If he gets cranky when he’s hungry, don’t include a surprise birthday party with dinner! Think back to the best conversations you have had with him, or maybe the few times he has enjoyed a party or an event and try to create a comfortable situation for him.
Maybe the veteran you know loves company, is easy to buy for and has tons of hobbies and friends. Not likely. So, if your veteran is the one who listens to the radio, find out how much it costs to rent radio time, or at the very least dedicate a song to him. If he’s the isolated snow storm guy, honor his wishes – leave him alone and buy him a shovel as a gag gift. It’s all about the person in any gift-giving situation. “Memorable” gifts of him during his time of war must be given with the utmost sensitivity.
Some tangible gifts that a male veteran may appreciate are:
• A magazine subscription
• A newspaper subscription
• Purple heart stamps from the post office
• A Zippo lighter (whether he smokes or not)
• A framed picture of him with his troop
• Portable music
Of course, the veteran you know may be a woman. The list above may apply to her as well, but any woman likes new night wear, perfume, jewelry, stationery, etc. Because women tend to be emotionally stimulated by gifts it’s easier to buy for them. On the other hand, men are visually stimulated which limits some sentimental gifts, but that doesn’t mean they’re not a sentimental person at heart. Then, there’s the one who seems impossible to buy for. Many veterans do not want to receive gifts that they have not earned, so be sensitive to that. As boring as it seems, if you feel compelled to give a gift, give a practical gift that he uses every day – like socks. If he smokes – give cigarettes. He definitely eats, so give him cashews; most guys like cashews! Whatever the case, gift giving is all about what the recipient really wants. User-generated content powered by Associated Content| Publish your own Content| 