Casualties from the Korean Conflict |
State-level Lists of Casualties from the Korean Conflict (1951-1957)
The National Archives and Records Administration, has custody of two data files in the Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Record Group 330) that contain records of U.S. military casualties from the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. The records in the Korean Conflict Casualty File (KCCF) are for persons who died as a result of hostilities in Korea, 1950-57, including those who died while missing or captured. The Combat Area Casualties Current File (CACCF), as of December 1998, includes final records for persons who died 1956-1998, as a result of either a hostile or nonhostile occurrence in the Southeast Asian Combat Area, including those who died while missing or captured.
NARA has prepared state casualty lists by creating extracts from the data files. Each state list incorporates selected data elements for all deceased casualties whose state "home of record," as identified by the serviceman or woman upon last entrance into military service, was that state. "Home of record" does not necessarily refer to the place of birth, residence of next of kin, place of longest residence, or other common uses of the term "hometown." In the Korean data file place of "home of record" for Army casualties is by county, while for Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps casualties, it is by city/town. In the Vietnam-era data file place of "home of record" is city/town for all services.
The state lists include the following data for each casualty: name, rank or grade, branch of service, home of record, date of casualty, date of birth (Vietnam only), category of casualty. The state lists are sorted in two ways: alphabetically by last name; or, alphabetically by "home of record." As of August 1999, the version of the Vietnam state lists available on-line are those generated from the November 1997 version of the CACCF. Dates of death in the CACCF as of November 1997 range from 1957-1995. You can also purchase printed copies of these lists. The charge for each state list is $0.50 per page with a minimum charge for mail orders of $10.00. In addition, electronic versions of these data files are available on 9-track tape, 3480-class tape cartridge, or CD-ROM for a cost-recovery fee.
For further information about the on-line lists, printed lists, or copies of the electronic files, contact:
Reference Services
Electronic and Special Media Records Services Division (NWME)
The National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road, Room 5320
College Park, MD 20740-6001
The reference number is (301) 837-0470 and the email address is [email protected]
State Level Casualty Lists for the Korean War, sorted Alphabetically by Last Name of Casualty
Alabama/Alaska/Arizona/Arkansas/California/Colorado/ Connecticut/ Delaware/ Florida/ Georgia/ Hawaii/Idaho/ Illinois/ Indiana/ Iowa/ Kansas/ Kentucky/ Louisiana/ Maine/ Maryland/ Massachusetts/ Michigan/ Minnesota/ Mississippi/ Missouri/ Montana/ Nebraska/ Nevada/ New Hampshire/ New Jersey/ New Mexico/ New York/ North Carolina/ North Dakota/ Ohio/ Oklahoma/ Oregon/ Pennsylvania/ Rhode Island/ South Carolina/ South Dakota/ Tennessee/ Texas/ Utah/ Vermont/ Virginia/ Washington/ Washington, DC/ West Virginia/ Wisconsin/ Wyoming
State Level Casualty Lists for the Korean Conflict, sorted by Home of Record
Guam Puerto Rico Virgin Islands
Canal Zone Other, including Canada and England