Travel Photo Galleries

Travel photo galleries | Other galleries

Travel photo galleries

Andry's Basten's thumbnail gallery (a lot of good photos). She also have a Peru PhotoDiary with detailed narrative wrapped around the images from the thumbnail galleries. She also has a good set of Peru links.

Beautiful black and white photos taken by "Coba," who apparently was also involved in the Peabody museum exhibit's "virtual reality" Machu Picchu.

Photos by Peter Jevne. 37 photos, with some beautiful shots of clouds rolling in over the site. gallery. Extraordinarily bright, clear photos by Steve Underwood.

Tim Hilliard. Some nice details.

Kai Wendlandt's galleries The day was rather cloudy, but there are some good photos of details.

Dave's Photo World by Dave Volk. The highlight here is a labeled photo of the site. Apparently Volk visited the site once, and returned two years later "with serious cameras in hand."

Franck Zecchin's photos from his Distant Trails.

A. Eugene Fritsche. Some excellent pictures from the temple of the sun. He also caught the first chincilla photo.

Knut Olsen's multi-page gallery.

Suzanne Boswell.

Machu Picchu, a Photo Gallery by by James Q. Jacobs.

Günther Eichhorn. Eichhorn, an astrophysicist, also took some interesting photos of the stonework in Cuzco.

Other galleries

Very high-resolution photos from Bingham's expedition and of exhibit artifacts, from the Houston Museum of Natural Science site.

NASA image of Machu Picchu, taken from space.

BBC News: "Machu Picchu and the Camera" (February 2004). Sainsbury Center for the Visual Arts runs display of Machu Picchu photos.

Video: Manolo's Machu Picchu Collection . Includes a variety of videos and pictures. I'm not giving this the prominence it might deserve for a number reasons. The Java is extremely onerous, crashing my machine repeatedly; the host gives frequently as the bandwidth allocation is reached; the videos are in zip format, downloading files to your machine, an insecure process.

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.

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