Travel and Travelogues

Guides | Travelogues | Hotels and tour providers


"Travels with Bill: A How-To in Peru" by Bill Walker. (Underneath review of The Machu Picchu Guidebook.) Originally posted on a Quecha language list, this is the low-down from an experienced visitor. It includes advice on clothing and gear, stray dogs, bugs, water, some sights, and ending with an epic list of items to consider bringing—rats, I forgot the Krazy Glue!

Frommers quick web info. They also have a more detailed brief on Hiram Bingham.

Amazon. The Machu Picchu Guidebook: A Self-Guided Tour by Ruth M. Wright and Alfredo Valencia Zegarra. Publisher's weekly write that it "Promotes a satisfactory low impact visit."

Review by "Bruin Inca" for Pacaritambo. Positive review.

Amazon. Machu Picchu: A Visual Tour — Mediating Ancestral Time and Sacred Space by Susan Hunt. No reviews, and precious little info on Amazon.


Amazon. The White Rock: An Exploration of the Inca Heartland by Hugh Thomson. Amazon reviews are positive.

Archaeology magazine review by Michael Malpass (March/April 2003).

"It is hard to decide on which bookshelf Hugh Thomson's The White Rock: Explorations of the Inca Heartland ... belongs: Exploration? History? Therein lies its appeal. "

The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu by Roy Davies, co-author of Explore the Inca Trail. Detailed site devoted to the Inca trail and the author's experiences on it. Highlights include travelogues from 1989 and 1997, placed side-by-side for comparison, photos of many of the sites, including Machu Picchu . There is also an extensive set of links.

"A Voyage into Mystery" commercial travelogue, with some tourism information, from

Chinatom's travelogue with photos.

"If there is one thing to say about MP, it is that no pictures I've seen can do it justice."

Machu Picchu: Lost City of the Inca a multi-page photo/travelogue by "Abby and Nile."

Hotels and tour providers

Video: Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel. Elegant website promotes an apparently elegant hotel with an ecological bent. The site includes a promotional video and a remarkable virtual tour. I haven't been there, and I don't endorse hotels, but this looks worth checking out.

Machu Picchu Discover offers tours to Machu Picchu and elsewhere in Peru.

Sobek Mountain Travel offers a number of trekking tours (such as "The 'Other' Inca Trail"), and has a gallery.

"The Sacred Sites Mystery School" tour of Machu Picchu and the region. New age tour "Co-Sponsored by the Intuition Network and the Philosophical Research Society"

LibraryThing: Catalog your books online.

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Hernando Cortés on the Web. Comprehensive guide to the Conqueror of Mexico, Hernando (or Hernán) Cortes.

Alexander the Great on the Web. Everything you ever wanted to know about Alexander, and pictures too.

Hieroglyphics! Comprehensive guide to Egyptian hieroglyphics.

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