Gouden Hoorn/Golden Horn

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Current issue of Gouden Hoorn

Volume 9, issue 1 (winter 2001-2002)



(January 6, 2002): Volume 9, issue 1 (winter 2001-2002) is now online.

Older news

Index of previous issues

Volume 8, issue 2 (spring 2001) Volume 4, issue 2 (winter 1996-1997)
Volume 8, issue 1 (summer-fall 2000) Volume 4, issue 1 (summer 1996)
Volume 7, issue 2 (winter 1999-2000) Volume 3, issue 2 (winter 1995-1996)
Volume 7, issue 1 (summer 1999) Volume 3, issue 1 (summer 1995)
Volume 6, issue 2 (winter 1998-1999) Volume 2, issue 2 (winter 1994-1995)
Volume 6, issue 1 (summer 1998) Volume 2, issue 1 (summer 1994)
Volume 5, issue 2 (winter 1997-1998) Volume 1, issue 2 (winter 1993-1994)
Volume 5, issue 1 (summer 1997) Volume 1, issue 1 (summer 1993)

This site was created on 3rd of September, 1997. Last updated on 6th of January, 2002. Free hosting is provided by Isidore-of-Seville.com, a set of guides and web directories to Classical and Medieval history (among other things). Isidore-of-Seville is not responsible for the content of Gouden Hoorn, or vice versa.

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