
The Sherman M4 Medium Tank series
and their related AFVs are my favourite WW-2 vehicles. Over the years I
have studied many surviving examples, taking note of the bewildering array
of variants and production changes. This hobby gradually shifted into doing
some research into their manufacture, (continuing) use and modification.
And at some stage, as anyone with the same hobby can tell, one is bound
to get their hands dirty on some of them.
The Sherman
Register has grown into a network organization with contacts
around the world. It is dedicated to the preservation of Sherman tanks
and related AFVs in the widest sense of the word.
The goal of this publication is to
publish the information which is not covered in mainstream books and magazines.
The internet was chosen to publish our research as it is the best medium
to exchange information with others and it enables me to update/add pages
as soon as more information becomes available. What you see here are the
combined efforts of many contributors and myself. Even though some pages
are still under construction, they form a basis for discussion or further
Please see the index on the left
for the contents of this web site. |
If you have any questions about
the Sherman tank or any related vehicle, please do not ask me directly.
It will save both of us considerable time!
First, try to find the answer to
your question(s) on this web site or the ones referred to on the links
pages. If you cannot find an answer, subscribe to G104
- the Sherman Register mailing list and post your question
to a large group of Sherman enthusiasts. |
and Conditions
This publication is the combined effort
of the editor of the Sherman Register and the contributors. It is
provided free but with the following terms and conditions:
The Sherman Register concept,
content and format are the original work and intellectual property of the
(co-)author(s) and contributors unless otherwise accredited.
All material is copyrighted and all
international copyrights are reserved.
Visitors are asked to notify the editor
immediately if they feel that any
Sherman Register material has
been wrongly accredited.
Visitors are permitted to make copies
of the site content on the condition that it is for their personal use
Material found on this site may neither
be re-published or re-distributed in any way without permission of the
copyright owner.
If you have any doubts about any aspect
of these terms and conditions please
the editor for clarification.
I thank all the people who have contributed
to the Sherman Register in every imaginable way, today and in the past.
This is my first attempt to create
a web site, so please bear with me. It is far from being complete or perfect.
It will never become "complete" for lack of disk space and the fact that
there is already a lot of information on the Sherman available, both printed
and in electronic format. But who knows, with your help one day this site
might come close to being "perfect".