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[c. Nov 12, 1780]
My Lord
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Letters of the 6th, 8th and 9th Instant Col: Tarletons Letters have been forwarded. I have not heard from him since the Letter I inclosed to your Lordship. But by some of Tynes Militia who brought in Two Prisoners this morning, they say that they heard that He was very near as Low down as King Tree.
A Deserter from Col: Washingtons Dragoons who came in Two nights ago says that Gen'l Morgan was there with 300 men. That Washington had 100 Dragoons when they Left Charlotte & that only seventy [p2] Remain'd. That they had Retreated Ten miles back on the Salisbury Road, but we find that the Same Party was back there yesterday.
And that there is Likewise a Detachment of Rebells towards Lynches Creek. Their numbers have not yet been assertain'd
Capt. McDonald has been very ill which Prevented the Flagg going off till yesterday. -- and I only wait Tarletons Return to Expedite those Gentlemans who are to go upon Parole --
I have Lodged Mr. [Forest?] in the Provost the officer who let the Prisoners Escape.
Lt. Oldfield set out with one and twenty Waggons to Forage in Col: Tarletons Rear. I Expect Likewise to get in some Cattle from [p3] that Quarter --
I am sorry for Poor Wemyss. Their fellows will become more Imprudent --
Permitt me to Return your Lordship my most Unfeyned thanks for your goodness in giving me hopes of going soon to New York. My health is Indeed in such a state that I do Believe Nothing but a Northern Climate will Reestablish it -- nor do I Believe that ever my Constitution will bear much Service in this Southern Climate --
If the Commander in Chief will Indulge me to Remain there untill my Corps comes Northward, I shall Surely Esteem it as a most Interesting Favor. Otherwise I am afraid I must Exit the Service on Such Terms as He Pleases
I am your Lordships
Most Faithfull Humble Servt
Geo: Turnbull
Earl Cornwallis
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/4/93-94.]
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