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Camp at Kelly's Ford on Ennoree
Novr 24th 1780 6 A.M.
My Lord
I was honoured with your Lordship's letter by Dr Stewart after I had passed Beyerley's Ferry the Night before Last. I wrote to Col. Tarleton before I received your Lordship's that I had passed the Ferry on my way to join Him, & Yesterday morn'g I wrote him that I would forward his baggage with an Escort of A Capt & 50 of the 71st agreeable to your Lordship's Command, & Yesterday at noon His Baggage with the Escort passed this Ford; But at Seven oClock last Night I received A letter from Him desiring I would join Him with all possible Expedition, as He has something Else to do near the Mountains before he returns. He tells me Colonels Clark & Chandler were killed & Sumpter Mortally wounded, that the Enemy's loss amounted to 120 killed & wounded; & some People who passed here this Day affirm Sumpter is Dead of his Wounds.
I would have marched immediately on rect of Tarleton's letter but this ford is too deep & Stony to pass in the Night. We are just preparing to pass the ford & [p2] hope to make A good Days march of it. I have the Honor to be
My Lord
Your Lordship's
Most obed't Hble Servt
Arthd McArthur
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/4/191-192.]
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