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Camp at Bryerley's Ferry
Novr 18th 1780
6 P.M.
My Lord
I have the Honor to inform your Lordship that A Party of the Rebels having come within two Miles of the Ferry this morning I was just going to pass over wth 150 men when Col Tarleton arrived at Nine o'clock & I countermanded my Party; the Rebells had the Audacity in half an hour after to come close to the River & fire at our Men who were washing in the Flatts. Luckily the most of them had retired before the firing began so there was only one Soldier of the 63d wounded slightly & A waggon Horse hurt. they blackguarded us a great deal but no return was made them except one shot by A Militia man without orders; At two o'Clock the Infantry of Tarleton's Corps passed at this Ferry & only one shott was fired at them which hurt nobody, for care was taken to fire several Cannon shott across which dispersed the Enemy, & I have this moment received advice from Col. Tarleton that his mounted People have passed at the Mill & Ford three miles lower down without opposition [p2] & the 63d were ready to follow. The Rebells appeared at the other side of the River opposite the Mill earlier than here & Capt Hill informs me they shewed themselves at Liles's ford about the same time they came opposite to us. Tarleton has left his Baggage here & taken the Cannon I had wth me it being in better Condition than His own which He has left wth me. He proposed going between four & Miles only this Eveng -- It gives me concern that the [Emissary?] who was to Cross [? ?] up the River returned this Eveng not daring to cross at Fishdam or Love's fords finding them both too well guarded, so that I have no hopes of being able to ascertain the desired Point. I have the Honor to be My Lord
Your Lordship's
Most Obedt Hble Servt
Archd McArthur
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/4/153-154.]
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