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My Lord
Permitt me to Congratulate you
on the Recov'ring of your Health. Which we all
Heartily Rejoice at--
Tarleton crossed the River yesterday morning and Proposes to set out Tomorrow in search of the Rebells -- Two men have arrived this moment from Black Creek who assure us that Marion and Snipes have their Quarters at Singletons Mills. We have sent a spy who we Expect will be back by morning. And Tarleton will regulate his Route accordingly -- We never can fix the Number with those Country fellows.
Col: Davis's Parties has show'd themselves within twenty miles of us. But We cannot Learn that the Body of Twelve mile Creek [p2] has advanced --
Your Lordship will be surprised that our works are not in greater forwardness. The Negroes took the Small Pox, Deserted, many Died, that the Troops have been oblidged to work there three weeks. We will do it as fast as we can. --
Major Despard & Capt. Haldane are arrived. We are Planning which way to get in a Quantity of Cattle and Corn from Santee Provided Col: Tarleton takes that Route.
Capt. Coffin having been taken ill at Col: Thomsons on his way here writes me that Parties of Rebells lay Lurking in that Country that twenty has been seen together.
I Beg Pardon for not sending the Inclosed Letter sooner, it came here by Genl Woodfords Aid de Camp last week from Hilsborough. [p3] He had obtained Leave at Charlestown to go to Virginia to bring money and Cloaths for the Prisoners. I had him Conducted by an Officer of Militia to the next Post.
The other the man whom you wished to have Released Died some Weeks ago.
Thank God I have got all the Prisoners Except Twenty three of[f] my hand. and I soon hope to forward them. I am with the Greatest Respect.
Your Lordships
most Faithfull Humble Servt.
Geo: Turnbull
Camden Novr 3d 1780.
Earl Cornwallis
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/4/14-15.]
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