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Camden Novr 13th 1780
8 o'Clock Night
I arrived here, my Lord, about an hour ago. Tarleton has not yet reached this place. He lies this night about eight miles off; but I have sent to request that I may see him very early in the morning, & his Corps will cross the Ferry at that time. They do not seem to have good information here, respecting the Enemy; & they depend upon a Channel, of which I should be rather doubtful. A negro [p2] who came in this afternoon, says that he was carried Prisoner to Morgan & Washington at Hanging Rock, & escaped from them last night. He reports, that in concert with Marion they were to have attacked this post; & he mentions the point at which the assault was to have been directed, which is indeed the weakest in the line: the dispersion of Marion's force overturned the plan. This, however, is only conversation which he heard in the Rebel Camp, & he cannot say from [p3] whom. I hear much of the prowess of Harrison's Rangers, upon the Expedition with Tarleton: a valiant Friend of Government is a Prodigy, of which all the world talks. I will praise them very highly, if I can find room to do so, in hopes that it may stimulate them to future atchievements.
I have the Honor to be
My Lord, with equal respect
& affection,
Your very faithful Sert
Earl Cornwallis &c &c &c
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/4/110-111.]
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