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Rocky Mount July 12th
one o'Clock past noon 1780
My Lord.
I have just now Rec'd yours of yesterday --
By Intelligence from the other side that Kinlock had pursued the Rebells partly up the Waxhaws on Sunday last and hearing that a Noted Partizan McLure was come home and Reaping his grain about twenty two miles above and that Col: Bratton who lived about twelve miles farther was publishing Proclamations and Pardons to who shoud return to their duty. -- I proposed to Capt. Huick that I woud mount twenty of our men and give him some Militia to the amount of sixty to Beat up those two traitors.
The party marched from this Monday Evening and found only one of the McLures and no person at Brattons -- My order to him was not to go farther than Prudence should Direct him. He very unfortunately Encamped about a Quarter of a mile Beyond this. and was attack'd this morning about Sunrise By a Large Body [p2] of Rebells and has been Totally Defeated. Capt. Huick they Inform me is Killed. Cornet Hunt is wounded and supposed to be prisoner. Lt. Adamson and Lt. McGrigor of the New York Volunteers, and all our Twenty are Missing. Ens. Cameron of the New York Volunteers, Lt. Lewis of the Militia and Twelve dragoons and Twelve Militia are Returned.
This is a very Unfortunate affair, my Lord. If Major Ferguson does not advance from Fair Forest, or some Larger Body of Troops makes head against them I am afraid they will give us Trouble. Their success will no doubt Encourage them to pay us a Visit, and they may Distress us in Provisions.
I hope your Lordship will be assured that what ever I Planned I thought could have been Executed without much Danger. Mr. Cameron Says the Ground they were on was not very favourable. and they advanced so Rapidly [p3] that the Dragoons had not time to mount.
Lt. Col: Moore nor Major [Welsh?] is neither of them here nor do I know where they are. I am with Great Respect
Your Lordships
most obedient and
most humble Servt.
Geo: Turnbull
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO 30/11/2/285-286.]
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