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Rocky Mount July 12th 1780
Nine oClock in the Evening
My Lord.
I was unfortunate enough to be obliged to tell you a very Disagreeable story Some hours ago --
Nine of our missing men have come in and one Dragoon.
A Negroe Boy who was taken has made his Escape. and says that Lt. Adamson Fell of his horse Being much Bruised is Taken prisoner. that Seven of ours and a sergt. and two of the Dragoons are likewise wounded and taken Prisoners
Lt McGregor and Cornet Hunt we suppose have made their Escape. But have not yet arrived -- Capt. Huik is the only Person who was killed Dead on the Spot.
[p2] My Militia are so allarmed it will be some Days before they Recover their Spirits
There are some wounded Militia I send Down by the Bearer in a Waggon to the Care of Doctor Hill --
The Negroe Boy is very Intelligent He says the Rebells will send down Lt. Adamson and our wounded men Tomorrow
By what I can Learn the only [Bait?] which Led Huik to Camp at this cursed unlucky spot was an [oat?] field that was near. But by every account the Position was very unfavourable
My Paper and Sealing wax is almost Expended in a few Days I Dont Believe I shall have material to keep up a Correspondence
[p3] Our Doctor Resigned last week and we have no Body of the Faculty but a mate who is not very Regularly [?]
I have wrote to Stapleton of the Legion and Mr. Gibbs the Surgeons mate of the 33d. I believe the Latter will accept of it if Lord Cornwallis will Permitt him. He writes me He is now going to Charlestown and Expects to join us on his Return. in the mean time if Doctor Hill coud Spare one of his mates with some Medicine it would oblige us much
I can Learn nothing of those Deserters mentioned by Major Carden the house He mentions which they frequented is on the Waxhaw Side. I am with much Esteem
Your Lordships
Most Faithfull Humble Servt.
Geo. Turnbull
[Source: Public Records Office, Kew, PRO/30/11/2/277-278.]
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