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[p33] The author thinks it necessary to observe, that the originals of all letters marked thusare in his possession; the rest are copied from authentic publications.
Extracts from a letter, written by Colonel John Lawrence.
Charles town, Feb. 25, 1780.
The British army, said to be under the command of Sir Henry Clinton, are distributed on Port-Royal island, John's island, Stono ferry, and a detachment last night upon James island -- Head quarters are at Fenwick's house, on John's island -- Four of their gallies have been seen between John and James islands; the number of troops not known, supposed to be much diminished since the embarkation at New York -- There is, undoubtedly, some grand impediment to the enemy's progress. All their horses perished at sea, and much of their furniture [p34] was captured. -- The enemy's (a.) delay has afforded an opportunity for strengthening the lines of Charles town, which will be in pretty good order to-morrow -- Reinforcements are expected -- General Hagan is within a few miles -- The Virginia troops are somewhere! Assistance from that sister state has been expected these eighteen months. -- General Moultrie is forming a camp at Bacon bridge, where he has about five hundred horse, being horse of this state, Baylor's and Bland's of Virginia. General Williamson is encamped at Augusta. A thousand men are expected from his brigade -- General Richardson and Colonel Caphew are raising the militia at and about Camden. -- At this moment our escape depends on farther delay on the enemy's part. Two or three weeks more will make this garrison strong; the inhabitants, in general, are in good spirits. Competent judges (b.) say, that Sir Henry Clinton will then have cause to repent his enterprize.
From the London Gazette.
Whitehall, Apr. 26, 1780.
Extract of a letter from Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, to Lord George Germain, dated Head Quarters, James' island, South Carolina, March 9th, 1780. Received by the Swift packet, Capt. Nichols, from New York.
My last dispatch, No. 83, will have informed your lordship, that the admiral and I only waited positive information concerning Count D'Estaing's fleet to put to sea.
[p35] Intelligence (a.) of their having quitted the coast arrived late in December, and the troops having been some time embarked, the admiral was enabled to sail the 26th.
I will trouble your lordship with no other particulars of a very tedious voyage in (b.) uncommon bad weather, than to mention, that in our losses of transports the lives of the crews have been saved; that only one ship is missing, having on board a detachment of Hessians, and supposed to have bore away for the West Indies: But we have to regret the total loss of an ordnance ship, which foundered at sea, and of much the greater part of the horses brought for cavalry, or other public uses. It was judged best to proceed by a second navigation from Tybee to North (c.) Edisto, and from thence to pass to John's and next to James island. By a bridge over Wappoo cut, we have from this last gained the banks of the Ashley river. My intention is to pass to the neck of Charles town as soon as possible. The enemy have, I find, collected their whole force to that place. This is said not to exceed five thousand men at present; but reinforcements are daily expected. In the mean time, as the rebels have made the defence of Charles town their principal object, I have determined on my part to assemble in greater strength before it, and with this view have called immediately to this army a corps (d.) I had left in Georgia. They will pass the Savannah river, and join me by land.
The force afloat at Charles town is four rebel and one French frigate, with an old sixty-gun ship, and some brigs and gallies.
Although our long voyage, and unavoidable delays since, have given the rebels time to fortify Charles town towards the land, a labour their number in negroes has greatly facilitated; yet, confiding [p36] in the merit of the troops I have the honour to command, in the great assistance I have from Earl Cornwallis, and the farther co-operation of the navy, I entertain great hopes of success.
I cannot close my letter without expressing how much I am obliged hitherto to Admiral Arbuthnot for the assistance given me through Captain Elphinstone, who as yet has been chiefly employed in the naval transactions immediately relative to the army. This gentleman's unremitted attention to us, from his so ably and successfully conducting the transports into North Edisto to this hour, with the great benefit I have derived from his knowledge of the island navigation of this part of the coast, merit my warmest thanks.
P.S. Since the above a reinforcement is arrived in Charles town, said to consist of two thousand men, from the northern army.
Extracts of a letter from Major André, Deputy Adjutant General, to Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton.
Head Quarters, William's House,
the 1st April, 1780.
I have, by the general's orders, just closed a letter to Brigadier-general Paterson, in consequence of which a march of cavalry, (a.) light and legion infantry will be ordered: It is to seek a passage across Ashley river, at or above Dorchester and Baycon bridge, and by this means to join the army before Charles town. The general wou'd not have you undertake any excursion out of your route to us, or make [p37] any other delays, after passing the river, than for the purpose of taking forage: Between your present encampment and the passage you will of course make none, as it wou'd invite opposition.
Copy of a letter from Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis to Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton.
Camp, near St. Thomas's Church,
April 25, 1780.
The commander in chief having directed me to use every effort to
prevent supplies and reinforcements being thrown into Charles town, but
particularly to guard against the garrison's escaping out of it
and its dependent fortresses;
I find it necessary at present to place the corps under my command on
the east side of Miller's bridge, keeping a redoubt on the west side to
secure a communication; I must therefore commit the care of the country
between the Cooper and Wando to your charge, with the cavalry and
infantry of the legion. The principal objects of your care will be the
landing places on the west side of the Wando and in Daniel's island; and
I trust in your vigilance that I shall receive the earliest information of
any material movement of the enemy in that quarter; I must likewise
recommend it to you to take every opportunity of procuring intelligence,
either from the town, or the Santee river and the back country. I leave it
to your discretion to take such positions as you shall find most
convenient: You will place to report to me whenever you move, that I
may know where to find you. As you will be so constantly moving, you
will not of course be
able to embarrass yourself
with the care of such stores as may fall into your hands: If you
apprehend that any such may be in danger of being
retaken by the enemy, and that they will be useful to them, you will
please to destroy them. I must recommend it to you in the strongest
manner to use your utmost endeavours to prevent the troops under your
command from committing irregularities, and I am convinced that my
recommendation will have weight, when I assure you that such conduct
will be highly agreeable to the commander in chief.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient, humble, servant,
Lieut. Col. Tarleton.
From the London Gazette Extraordinary.
Whitehall, June 15, 1780.
This morning the Earl of Lincoln, aid-de-camp to his Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, arrived at this office with the following dispatch for the Right Honourable Lord George Germain:
Charles town, May 13, 1780.
My Lord,
I will not trouble your lordship with a repetition of the delays and
difficulties which protracted serious operation until the 29th day of
March, on which day the landing on Charles-town neck was effected.
By this time a depot was formed; the admiral had passed the bar, and I had the essential assistance of officers and seamen of the royal [p39] navy for my operations. I was also strengthened with the corps from Georgia, under Brigadier-general Patterson, which, through a country intersected with rivers, and rendered more difficult by heavy rains, had advanced, not unopposed, in the space of twelve days from Savannah to (a.) Ashley river.
The passage of Ashley, under the conduct of Captain Elphinstone, [(b.)] and by the good service of the officers and sailors of the fleet, was accomplished with order and expedition, and without resistance on the part of the enemy.
The day succeeding it the army moved towards Charles town, and on the night of the 1st of (c.) April broke ground within eight hundred yards of the rebel works.
By the (d.) 8th our guns were mounted in battery; and I had the satisfaction to see the admiral pass into Charles-town harbour with the success his conduct deserved, though under a very heavy fire from Sullivan's island.
At this period we judged it advisable to send the inclosed summons to the place, which returned the answer I have the honour to transmit with it.
The batteries (g.) were opened the next day. From their effect we soon observed the fire of the enemy's advanced works to abate considerably; the attention of the engineers, and the diligence of the troops, but increasing as they proceeded. A second parallel was completed on the 19th of April, and secure approaches opened to it. We were now within four hundred and fifty yards of the place.
[p40] My communications had hitherto required the greatest attention: They had been chosen from Perrenau's landing in Stono river across the Wappoo, and by small inlets, leaving only a mile of land carriage into the part of the Ashley river opposite our camp.
Works for the protection of the stores and shipping in Stono, others on the communication, and several redoubts and batteries on Ashley, were the labours necessary to give security in so important a point.
The presence of the fleet in the harbour relieving me from apprehension on that part, and the admiral taking to himself the defence of fort (h.) Johnson, I was able to detach one thousand four hundred men, under Lieutenant-colonel Webster, of the 33d regiment, to break in upon the enemy's remaining communication with the country.
Our success but for this measure would have been incomplete, as I had reason to fear a naval force cou'd not be got into Cooper river, nor consequently the place to be totally invested.
Your lordship will observe, that Colonel Webster had, in the execution of his orders, rivers to cross, and other difficult operations to effect, in presence of a very superior cavalry, which might harass him much. It was, therefore, of the utmost importance to strike at this corps, and, as suddenly as possible, to seize the principal passes of the country.
The surprise (i.) and defeat of the collected cavalry and militia of the rebels, and the possessing Biggin's bridge over Cooper, by Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton with the horse, the legion, and Major Ferguson's [p41] detachment, gave the command of the country (k.) to Colonel Webster, threw into his hands great supplies of provision, and enabled him to take a post near the head of Wandoo river, forbidding by land all farther access to the town from Cooper to the inland navigation. An armed naval force which the admiral sent into Servee bay, and another stationed in Spencer's inlet, completed the investiture to the sea.
A considerable reinforcement joining me from (l.) New York the 18th of April, I immediately strengthened the corps beyond Cooper river, which, thus augmented, I requested Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis to take under his command.
On the 6th of May, the third parallel (n.) was completed close to the edge of the rebel canal, and a sap carried to the dam, which contained its water on the right, by which means a great part was drained to the bottom.
We could now form juster opinions of the defences of the town towards the land, which extended in a chain (e.) of redoubts, lines, and batteries, from Ashley to Cooper. In front of either flank of the works, swamps, which the canal connects, ooze to each river; betwixt these impediments and the place are two rows of abbatis, various other obstructions, and a double picketted ditch; a horn-work of masonry, which, during the siege, the enemy closed as a kind of citadel, strengthened the center of the line and the gate, where the same natural defences were not found as near the water: Eighty pieces of cannon or mortars were mounted in the extent of these lines.
On the 6th of May our batteries were ready in the third parallel. New and very forcible motives now prevailed to induce the place to capitulate. [p42] Admiral Arbuthnot had landed a force of seamen and marines on Sullivan's island, under Captain Hudson, to whom, on the threat that ships should batter the fort, the garrison delivered themselves upon terms.
Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis had been no less successful in the country. The cavalry under Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton had again the good fortune which conduct and gallantry deserve, and overtook at the Santee a body of horse the enemy had, with infinite difficulty, collected together. They (m.) were most spiritedly charged, and defeated. Most of the riders fled to the morasses, or threw themselves into the river, from whence few have extricated themselves. Fifty or sixty men were killed or taken, and every horse of the corps, with the arms and appointments, fell into our hands.
Although, in a second correspondence which the enemy solicited, they had shewn in their proposals for a surrender far too extensive pretensions, the admiral and myself could not refrain from attempting once more to avert the cruel extremity of a storm. In this renewal of treaty, however, we did not find their indiscretion much abated.
The batteries of the third parallel (o.) were therefore opened, and a manifest superiority of fire soon obtained; the corps of yagers acting as marksmen, were on this occasion extremely useful.
Under this fire we gained the counterscarp of the outwork which flanked the canal, the canal itself was passed, and work carried on towards the ditch of the place.
[p43] The 11th [(p.)], General Lincoln sent to us his acquiescence in the terms he had two days before objected to. Whatever severe justice might dictate on such an occasion, we resolved not to press to unconditional submission a reduced army, whom we hoped clemency might yet reconcile to us. The articles of capitulation were therefore signed, such as I have the honour to inclose them.
On the 12th, Major-general Leslie took (q.) possession of the town. There are taken, seven general officers, a commodore, (f.) ten continental regiments, and three battalions of artillery, together with town and country militia, French, and seamen, make about six thousand men in arms. The titular deputy governor, council, and civil officers, are also prisoners.
Four frigates and several armed vessels, with a great number of boats, have likewise fallen into our possession, and about four hundred pieces of cannon.
Of the garrison, artillery, and stores, your lordship will have as perfect returns as I shall be able to collect.
I have yet, my lord, to add to this letter, the expressions of gratitude I owe to the army, (r.) whose courage and toil have given me success.
I have most warmly to thank Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis, Major-generals Leslie, Huyne, and Kosborth, and Brigadier-general Patterson, for their animated assistance.
[p44] I trust I do not flatter myself vainly, that the good services during the siege, of the officers and soldiers of the royal artillery, of Captain Elphinstone, and the officers and seamen of the royal navy serving with us on shore, of the corps of engineers, of the officers and soldiers of every corps, British and Hessian, and particularly the yager detachment, will receive His Majesty's gracious approbation.
I have especially to express my obligation to Lieutenant-colonel Webster, and the corps which acted under him. And I have to give the greatest praise to Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton and the cavalry, for their conduct, bravery, and eminent services.
But to Major Moncrieff, the commanding engineer, who planned, and, with the assistance of such capable officers under him, conducted the siege with so much judgement, intrepidity, and laborious attention, I wish to render a tribute of the very highest applause, and most permanent gratitude; persuaded that far more flattering commendations than I can bestow will not fail to crown such rare merit.
Your lordship has seen how great a share Admiral Arbuthnot and the fleet have had in every measure. I can add, that had we been necessitated to make an assault, I am persuaded a very conspicuous part would have been taken by the ships, to favour us at that important crisis.
I have the honour to send your lordship returns of our loss.
I have the honour to be, &c.
[p45] Return (r.) of the killed and wounded of the troops under the command of his Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton, from the debarkation in South Carolina the 11th of February, to the surrender of Charles town the 12th of May.
Royal artillery. 5 rank and file killed; 7 ditto wounded.
1st battalion of light infantry. 8 rank and file killed; 1 serjeant, 17 rank and file wounded.
2d battalion ditto. 11 rank and file killed; 1 lieutenant, 12 rank and file wounded.
Detachment of ditto. 3 rank and file killed; 7 ditto wounded.
1st battalion grenadiers. 1 serjeant, 4 rank and file killed; 2 lieutenants, 1 serjeant, 13 rank and file wounded.
2d battalion ditto. 10 rank and file killed; 1 lieutenant, 11 rank and file wounded.
7th. 1 rank and file killed; 2 ditto wounded.
23d. 4 rank and file wounded.
33d. 1 rank and file killed; 2 ditto wounded.
62d. 2 rank and file killed.
63d. 4 rank and file killed.
64th. 1 rank and file wounded.
71st. 2 ensigns, 6 rank and file killed; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 14 rank and file wounded.
Yagers. 7 rank and file killed; 14 ditto wounded.
Linsing. 2 rank and file killed; 7 ditto wounded.
Lengerck. 1 rank and file killed; 15 ditto wounded.
[p46] Schuler. 3 rank and file killed; 18 ditto wounded.
Graff. 2 rank and file killed; 2 lieutenants, 8 rank and file wounded.
Huyne. 5 rank and file wounded.
New-York volunteers. 2 rank and file killed; 1 ditto wounded.
British legion. 5 rank and file killed; 9 ditto wounded.
Ferguson's corps. 5 rank and file wounded.
2 ensigns, 1 serjeant, 73 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 7 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 179 rank and file, wounded.
71st regiment. Ensign M'Gregor, Ensign Cameron.
22d regiment grenadier company. Lieutenant White.
33d ditto. Lieutenant Bevor.
42d ditto. Lieutenant Grant.
64th ditto. Light infantry. Lieutenant Freeman.
71st regiment. Captain M'Leod, Lieutenant Wilson.
Graff's grenadiers. Lieutenant Frietson, Lieutenant Oethanss.
Admiralty Office, June 15, 1780.
His Majesty's ship the Perseus, commanded by the Hon. Keith Elphinstone, arrived late last night at Spithead, from Charles town, in South Carolina, from whence she sailed the 17th of last month, having on board Sir Andrew Hammond, who came to this Office this forenoon with a letter from Vice-admiral Arbuthnot, to Mr. Stevens, of which the following is a copy:
Roebuck, off Charles town, May 14, 1780.
I have the satisfaction to acquaint you, for the information of my lords
commissioners of the admiralty, that Charles town, with all its
dependencies, the shipping in the harbour, and the army under General
Lincoln, has surrendered to His Majesty's arms.
My last letters, by a Dutch ship bound to Amsterdam, which sailed the 16th of February, will have informed you of my departure from New York, and my arrival off Savannah, with a squadron of His Majesty's ships, escorting a considerable body of troops under the command of Sir Henry Clinton.
Most of the missing ships have arrived, no time was lost in prosecuting the intended expedition. I shifted my flag from the Europe to this ship; and the transports having repaired their damages sustained on the passage, I proceeded with the fleet, on the 10th of February, to North Edisto, the place of debarkation previously agreed upon. Our passage (a.) thither was favourable and speedy; and although it required time to have the bar explored, and the channel [p48] marked, the transports all entered the harbour the next day; and the army took possession of John's island without opposition.
The general having made a requisition for heavy (b.) cannon, and a detachment of seamen from the fleet, the latter were put under the command of Captain Ephinstone and Captain Evans, and the guns forwarded to the army as soon as they could be collected from the line-of-battle ships, which the bad weather had forced from their anchors.
Preparations were next made for passing the squadron over Charles-town bar, where the high water spring tides there, is only nineteen feet water. The guns, (c.) provision, and water were taken out of the Renown, Roebuck, and Romulus, to lighten them; and we lay in that situation on the open coast in the winter season of the year, exposed to the insults of the enemy, for sixteen days, before an opportunity offered of going into the harbour, which was effected without any accident, on the 20th of March, notwithstanding the enemy's galleys continually attempted to prevent our boats from sounding the channel.
I enclose a list of the rebel naval force, which, at this time, made an appearance of disputing the passage up the river, at the narrow pass, between Sullivan's island and the middle ground, having moored their ships and galleys in a position to make a raking fire as we approached fort Moultrie; but on the squadron arriving near the bar, and anchoring on the inside, they abandoned that idea, retired to the town, and changed their plan of defence. The Bricole, Notre Dame, Queen of France, Truite, and General Moultrie frigates, with several merchant ships, fitted with chevaux de frise (d.) on their decks, were sunk [p49] in the channel between the town and Shute's Folly; a boom was extended across, composed of cables, chains, and spars, secured by the ships' masts, and defended from the town by strong batteries of pimento logs, in which were mounted upwards of forty pieces of heavy cannon.
Every thing being in readiness for crossing the army over the Ashley river, the boats of the fleet, with the flat boats, under the command of Capt. Elphinstone and Capt. Evans of the Raisonable, the whole army, with the artillery and stores necessary for the siege, were landed under the cover of the galleys, on the town side, with astonishing expedition.
As soon as the army began to erect their batteries against the town, I took the first favourable opportunity to pass Sullivan's island, upon which there is a strong fort and batteries, the chief defense of the harbour; accordingly I weighed at one o'clock, on the (e.) 9th ult., with the Roebuck, Richmond, Romulus, Blonde, Virginia, Raleigh, and Sandwich armed ship. The Renown bringing up the rear, and passing through a severe fire, anchored in about two hours under James' island, with the loss of twenty-seven seamen killed and wounded. The Richmond's foretop mast was shot away, and the ships in general sustained damage in their masts and rigging; however, not materially in their hulls: But the Acetus transport, having on board a few naval stores, grounded within gunshot of Sullivan's island, and received so much damage, that she was obliged to be abandoned and burnt.
Having stationed ships and armed vessels off the different inlets, upon the coast, and the town being now nearly invested, attempts were made to pass a naval force into Cooper river, by Hog's island, [p50] (the main channel being rendered impracticable) and small vessels to carry heavy guns were fitted for that service: But on being found the enemy had also sunk vessels in that channel, and its entrance was defended by the works on Sullivan's island, and mount Pleasant, it was resolved to dispossess them of the latter, by the seamen of the fleet; and in the mean time, to arm the small vessels that had been taken by Earl Cornwallis in the Wandoo river.
For this purpose a brigade of five hundred seamen and marines was formed from the squadron, and under the command of the Captains Hudson, Orde, and Gambier, landed at day break, on the 29th, at mount Pleasant; where receiving information that the rebels were abandoning their redoubt at Lamprie's point, (an advantageous post on Cooper river) they marched with a view of cutting off their rear, but, on a near approach, found the garrison had escaped in vessels to Charles town; but their sudden appearance prevented the rebels from carrying off their cannon and stores, or from destroying their works. About the same time, a major, a captain, and some other commissioned and non-commissioned officers, with eighty privates, were made prisoners by the guard boats of the fleet, in retiring to the town.
Captain Hudson being relieved in his post by Colonel Ferguson, returned to the fort at mount Pleasant, which being in the neighbourhood of fort Sullivan, brought us in deserters daily, from whom I learnt very favourable accounts of its garrison; I therefore (f.) formed a plan to attack it, which should not interfere with the important operations the army were carrying on, and which now became every day more and more critical.
[p51] The attention of the rebels, I found, had been chiefly directed to the south and east sides of the fort, which were most open to attack; but the west face and north-west bastion, I discovered, had been neglected; I therefore determined to attempt to carry the fort by storm, under cover of the fire from the ships of the squadron. The Captains Hudson and Gambier, and Captain Knowles, agent for transports, with two hundred seamen and marines, embarked in the boats of the squadron, in the night of the 4th instant, and passing by the fort unobserved, landed before day light, and took possession of a redoubt on the east end of the island; whilst other boats were preparing to carry over the same number of seamen and marines from mount Pleasant, under the command of Captain Orde. On the whole being ready, and the ships only waiting for the tide, to begin the attack, the fort was summoned by Captain Hudson, when, after a little consideration, the garrison surrendered themselves prisoners of war. A copy of the capitulation, and the return of prisoners and stores, accompany this letter.
The reduction of the city followed four days after; for the preparations to storm it in every part being in great forwardness, and the ships ready to move to the assault, the town was summoned on the 9th, by his Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, to surrender; terms were in consequence proposed, and the enclosed capitulation, signed by the general and myself, the 10th instant.
I have commissioned the rebel and French frigates, in the King's service, and have given the command of them to officers of long service, and acknowledged merit.
The conduct of Sir Andrew Hammond, of the Roebuck, who bears this dispatch to you, deserves particular mention; whether in the [p52] great line of service, or in the detail of duty, he has been every ready, forward, and animated. The Captains Hudson, Orde, Gambier, Elphinstone, and Evans, have distinguished themselves particularly on shore; and the officers and seamen, who have serve with them on this occasion, have observed the most perfect discipline.
Our whole loss in the ships and galleys, and the batteries on shore, is twenty-three seamen killed, and twenty-eight wounded; among the latter is Lieutenant Bowers, of the Europe, but in fair way of recovery.
The fleet has endeavoured most heartily and effectually to co-operate with the army in every possible instance; and the most perfect harmony has subsisted between us.
I just add, that rebel privateering has recently received a severe check; the Iris and Galatea having lately, in the space of ten days, taken nine privateers, (two of which were ships of twenty guns, and none less than sixteen) and eight hundred seamen.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient servant,
A list of rebel ships (h.) of war taken or destroyed in the harbour of Charles town.
The Bricole, pierced for 60, mounting 44 guns, twenty-four and eighteen pounders, sunk, her captain, officers, and company, prisoners. -- [p53] The Truite, 26 twelve pounders, sunk, her captain, &c. prisoners. -- Queen of France, 28 nine pounders, sunk, ditto. -- General Moultrie, 20 six pounders, sunk, ditto. -- Notre Dame, (brig) 16 ditto, sunk, ditto. -- Providence, 32 guns, eighteen and twelve pounders, taken, captain, officers, and company, prisoners. -- Boston, of the same force, taken, ditto. -- Ranger, 20 six pounders, taken, ditto.
L'Avanture, 26 nine and six pounders, commanded by the Sieur de Brulot, Lieutenant de Vaisseau, taken, ditto. -- Polacre, 16 six pounders, taken. -- Some empty brigs lying at the wharfs, with other small vessels, were also taken, with four armed galleys.
Articles. (g.) of Capitulation, agreed on between Captain Charles Hudson, commander of His Majesty's ship the Richmond, and Lieutenant-colonel Scott, commandant of fort Moultrie, on the surrender of that fort and its dependencies, May 7, 1780.
ART. I. That the troops in garrison shall be allowed to march out with the usual honours of war, and to pile their arms outside of the gate.
ART. II. That all the officers in garrison, as well continental as militia, and the non-commissioned officers and privates of the militia, shall be considered as prisoners of war at large on their parole, until exchanged; and be allowed, in the mean time, to reside with their families and friends, Charles town excepted, as it is at present under siege.
[p54] ART. III. That the continental and militia officers be permitted to wear their side arms.
ART. IV. That the slaves and other property of every individual in garrison be secured to their respective owners: That all such slaves in garrison, belonging to persons out of it, be secured to their respective owners in such manner as may be agreed upon between Captain Hudson and the commanding officer of the fort.
ART. V. All property, slaves, &c. to be secured to each individual of the garrison; such as is lodged in the fort for security or otherwise, belonging to individuals, not of the garrison, to be delivered up.
ART. VI. That the sick have every necessary accommodation, and all the continental private soldiers be treated in a humane manner, and not rigorously confined; every humanity to be shewn to both sick and well.
ART. VII. The fort, artillery, arms, ammunition, and stores, of all kinds, to be delivered up to such officers and guard as Captain Hudson shall think proper to send for that purpose.
ART. VIII. The garrison to march out of the fort, and pile their arms early in the morning, in front of the British forces, who will be drawn up before the entrance of the fort on the occasion.
Lieut. Col. 1st reg. and commandant
of fort Moultrie.
A Copy.
M. Arbuthnot.
[p55] Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's island, May 7, 1780.
A return of the garrison of fort Moultrie, made prisoners of war by a brigade of seamen and marines, commanded by Captains Hudson, Gambier, and Knowles, of the royal navy.
Continental commissioned officers. -- Lieutenant colonel, 1; Captains, 2; Lieutenants, 4; Non-commissioned and privates, 110.
Militia. -- Captains, 2; Lieutenants, 7; Non-commissioned and privates, 91.
(Signed) CHA. HUDSON.
A return of ordnance and other stores taken on fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's island, by the naval brigade, May 7th, 1780.
Twenty-four pounders, 9; eighteen pounders, 7; twelve pounders, 10; nine pounders, 9; six pounders, 2; four pounders, 4; mortar of ten inches, 1. Total of iron ordnance, 41.
Twenty-four pounders, 539; eighteen pounders, 613; twelve pounders, 690; nine pounders, 1334; six pounders, 264; four pounders, 369. Total, 3809.
Twenty-four pounders, 50; eighteen pounders, 47; twelve pounders, 42; nine pounders, 9. Total of bar shot, 148.
Twenty-four pounders, 82; eighteen pounders, 50; twelve pounders, 42; nine pounders, 50. Total of grape shot, 224.
Twelve pounders, 13; nine pounders, 56; six pounders, 30; four pounders, 34. Total of cannister shot, 133.
Ten-inch shells, 120; six-inch shells, 32; lint stocks, 54; barrels of powder, 46; worms, ladles, and sponges, 193; lanthorns, 10; handspikes, 256; flannel cartridges for field pieces, 98; musquet cartridges, 6032; beds spare, 35; coins spare, 39; stand of arms, 520; cartridges filled, 2706; blank cartridges, 1994; port fires, 250; spare fuses, 300; hand granadoes, 120; bits and prickers, 80; reams of paper, 2; tubes spare, 100; spare gun carriages, 9; barrels of turpentine, 40; 3 waggons, 1 sling cart for great guns; 1 gin; 1 ditto fall and slings; 1 water engine; 3 coils of rope, (four inches.)
(Signed) CHA. HUDSON.
A Copy.
M. Arbuthnot.
Supplement to the London Gazette Extraordinary.
Copy of the summons sent to Major-general Lincoln, the 10th of April, 1780.
Camp before Charles town, April 10, 1780.
Sir (a.) Henry Clinton, K. B. general and commander in chief of His Majesty's forces in the colonies lying on the Atlantic, from Nova [p57] Scotia, &c. &c. and Vice-admiral Arbuthnot, commander in chief of His Majesty's ships, &c. in North America, &c. &c. regretting the effusion of blood, and the distresses which must now commence, deem it consonant to humanity to warn the town and garrison of Charles town of the havock and desolation with which they are threatened from the formidable force surrounding them by land and sea. An alternative is offered at this hour to the inhabitants of saving their lives and property, (contained in the town) or of abiding by the fatal consequences of a cannonade and storm.
Should the place in a fallacious security, or its commander in a wanton indifference to the fate of its inhabitants, delay the surrender, or should public stores or shipping be destroyed, the resentment of an exasperated soldiery may intervene; but the same mild and compassionate offer can never be renewed.
The respective commanders, who hereby summon the town, do not apprehend so rash a part as farther resistance will be taken; but rather that the gates will be opened, and themselves received with a degree of confidence which will forbode farther reconciliation.
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
Copy of a letter from Major-general Lincoln to General Sir Henry Clinton and Vice admiral Arbuthnot, dated Charles town, April 10, 1780.
I have received your summons of this date. Sixty days have passed since
it has been known that your intentions against this
town were hostile, in which time has been afforded to abandon it; but
duty and inclination point to the propriety of supporting it to the last
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) B. LINCOLN,
Commanding in the south department.
Copy of a letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Major-general Lincoln, dated camp before Charles town, May 8, 1780.
Circumstanced as I now am with respect to the place invested, humanity
only can induce me to lay within your reach the terms I had determined
should not again be proffered.
The fall of fort Sullivan, the destruction on the 6th instant of what remained of your cavalry, the critical period to which our approaches against the town have brought us, mark this as the term of your hopes of succour, (could you ever have framed any) and as an hour beyond which resistance is temerity.
By this last summons, therefore, I throw to your charge whatever vindictive severity exasperated soldiers may inflict on the unhappy people whom you devote, by preserving in a fruitless defence.
I shall expect your answer until eight o'clock, when hostilities will commence again, unless the town be surrendered.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
[p59] (c.) In consequence of this letter, articles of capitulation were proposed by Major-general Lincoln, and answered by their Excellencies General Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, and Vice-admiral Arbuthnot; which answers being deemed by General Lincoln to be inadmissible, he proposed that other articles, which he then sent, might be acceded to. Those articles were rejected by Sir Henry Clinton and Vice-admiral Arbuthnot; and on the 11th of May Major-general Lincoln wrote the following letter:
Copy of a letter from Major-general Lincoln to General Sir Henry Clinton, dated Charles town, May 11, 1780.
The same motives of humanity which inclined you to propose articles of
capitulation to this garrison, induced me to offer those I had the honour
of sending you on the 8th instant. They then appeared to me such as I
might proffer, and you receive, with honour to both parties. Your
exceptions to them, as they principally concerned the militia and
citizens, I then conceived were such as could not be concurred with; but
recent application from those people, wherein they express a willingness
to comply with them, and a wish on my part to lessen as much as may be
the distresses of war to individuals, lead me now to offer you my
acceptance of them.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) B. LINCOLN.
His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton.
[p60] Copy of a letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Major-general Lincoln, dated camp before Charles town, May 11, 1780.
When you rejected the favourable terms which were dictated by an
earnest desire to prevent the effusion of blood, and interposed articles
that were wholly inadmissible, both the admiral and myself were of
opinion that the surrender of the town at discretion was the only
condition that should afterwards be attended to; but as the motives which
then induced them are still prevalent, I now inform you that the terms
then offered will still be granted.
A copy of the articles shall be sent for your ratification as soon as they can be prepared; and immediately after they are exchanged, a detachment of grenadiers will be sent to take possession of the horn work opposite your main gate. Every arrangement which may conduce to good order in occupying the town, shall be settled before noon to-morrow, and at that time your garrison will march out.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
Major-general Lincoln.
Articles of capitulation between their Excellencies Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, general and commander in chief of His Majesty's forces in the several provinces and colonies on the Atlantic, from Nova Scotia to West Florida inclusive, Mariot Arbuthnot, Esq. Vice-admiral of the Blue, and commander in chief of all His Majesty's ships and vessels in North America, and Major-general Benjamin Lincoln, commanding in chief in the town and harbour of Charles town.
ART. I. That all acts of hostility and work shall cease between the
besiegers and the besieged, until the articles of capitulation shall be
agreed on, signed, and executed, or collectively rejected.
ANSWER. All acts of hostility and work shall cease, until the articles of
capitulation are finally agreed to or rejected.
ART. II. The town and fortifications shall be surrendered to the
commander in chief of the British forces, such as they now stand.
ANSWER. The town and fortifications, with the shipping at the wharfs,
artillery, and all other public stores whatsoever, shall be surrendered in
their present state to the commanders of the investing forces; proper
officers shall attend from the respective departments to receive them.
continental troops and sailors, with their baggage, shall be conducted to
a place to be agreed on, where they shall remain prisoners of war until
exchanged. While prisoners, they shall be supplied with good and
wholesome provisions in such quantity as is served out to the troops of
His Britannic Majesty.
ANSWER. Granted.
ART IV. The militia now in garrison shall be permitted to return to their
respective homes, and be secured in their persons and property.
ANSWER. The militia
now in garrison shall be permitted to return to their respective homes as
prisoners on parole; which parole, as long as they observe, shall secure
them from being molested in their property by the British troops.
ART V. The sick and wounded shall be continued under the care of
their own surgeons, and be supplied with medicines and such necessaries
as are allowed to the British hospitals.
ANSWER. Granted.
ART. VI. The officers of the army and navy shall keep their horses,
swords, pistols, and baggage, which shall not be searched, and retain
their servants.
ANSWER. Granted,
except with respect to the horses, which will not be allowed to go out of
the town, but may be disposed of by a person left from each corps for
that purpose.
ART. VII. The garrison shall, at an hour appointed, march out with
shouldered arms, drums beating, and colours flying, to a place to be
agreed on, where they will pile their arms.
ANSWER. The whole
garrison shall, at an hour to be appointed, march out of the town to the
ground between the works of the place and the canal, where they will
deposit their arms. The drums are not to beat a British march, or colours
to be uncased.
ART. VIII. That the French consul, his house, papers, and other
moveable property, shall be protected and untouched, and a proper time
granted to him for retiring to any place that may afterwards be
agreed upon between him and the commander in chief of the British
ANSWER. Agreed, with this restriction, that he is to
consider himself as a prisoner on parole.
ART. IX. That the citizens shall be protected in their persons and
ANSWER. All civil officers,
and the citizens who have borne arms during the siege, must be prisoners
on parole; and with respect to their property in the city, shall have the
same terms as are granted to the militia; and all other persons now in the
town, not to be described in this or other article, are notwithstanding
understood to be prisoners on parole.
ART. X. That a twelvemonth's time be allowed all such as do not
chuse to continue under the British government to dispose of their
effects, real and personal, in the state, without any molestation whatever;
or to remove such part thereof as they chuse, as well as themselves and
families; and that, during that time, they or any of them may have it at
their option to reside occasionally in town or country.
ANSWER. The discussion of this article of course cannot possibly be
entered into at present.
ART. XI. That the same protection to their persons and properties,
and the same time for the removal of their effects, be given to the
subjects of France and Spain, as are required for the citizens in the
preceding article.
ANSWER. The subjects of France and Spain shall have the same terms
as are granted to the French consul.
ART. XII. That a vessel be permitted to go to Philadelphia with the
general's dispatches, which are not to be opened.
ANSWER. Granted,
and a proper vessel with a flag will be provided for that purpose.
All public papers and records must be carefully preserved, and faithfully delivered to such persons as shall be appointed to receive them.
Done in Charles town, May 12, 1780.
Done in camp before Charles town, May 12,
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
Total of the rebel forces commanded by Major-general Lincoln at the surrender of Charles town, May 12, 1780, now prisoners of war.
Two major generals, 5 brigadier generals, [(a.)] 3 majors of brigade, 16 colonels, 9 lieutenant colonels, 41 cornets or ensigns, 1 paymaster, 7 adjutants, 6 quarter masters, 18 surgeons, 6 mates, 322 serjeants, 137 drummers, 4710 rank and file.
The above is a copy of a return signed by the British commissary of prisoners.
Deputy adjutant general.
[p65] Return of ordnance, (b.) arms, and ammunition in Charles town, when surrendered to His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, commander in chief of His Majesty's forces, &c. May 14, 1780.
Ordnance mounted on carriages and beds, with side arms, &c.
One six pounder, 17 four ditto, 3 three ditto.
One ten inch, 1 nine inch three quarters, 1 seven inch one quarter, 3 five inch and half, 3 four inch and half, 1 eight-inch brass howitzer.
Twelve twenty-six pounders, 12 twenty-four ditto, 29 eighteen ditto, 79 twelve ditto, 70 nine ditto, 27 six ditto, 44 four ditto, 6 three-half-pound swivels, 2 carronades, 3 four pounders.
Forty twenty-six pounders, 626 twenty-four ditto, 1219 eighteen ditto, 3120 twelve ditto, 2089 nine ditto, 500 six ditto, 700 four ditto, 100 three ditto.
Three thousand two hundred and thirty-six four pounders, 108 three ditto, 420 two ditto.
Ninety ten inch, 96 nine ditto three quarters, 150 eight ditto, 30 seven ditto three quarters, 40 six ditto three quarters, 26 five ditto and half, 100 four ditto and half, 212 hand granadoes, fixed.
Fifteen twenty-four pounders, 96 eighteen ditto, 256 twelve ditto, 897 nine ditto, 214 four ditto; musquet shot, 2cwt.
Eighty-six eighteen pounders, 209 twelve ditto, 40 four ditto; 55 sponges, with staves and rammer heads, of forts; 209 ladles, with staves, &c., of forts; 21 wadhooks, with staves.
One hundred and twenty-nine common, 41 iron-crow leavers, 80 spikes, with staves.
Two hundred and twenty nine-pounders, 8 four pounders.
One hundred and sixty-three twenty-four pounders, 422 eighteen ditto, 455 twelve ditto, 671 nine ditto, 20 four ditto, 100 three ditto, 25,550 musquet cartridges filled with ball, 7796 carabine ditto, 2 carriages, spare four pounders, 71 cutlasses; 3 gun triangles, with blocks [p67] complete; 14 lanterns, common; match slow, 2 cwt.; 376 barrels of powder, corned; 37 powder horns.
Two hundred and twenty twenty-four pounders, 941 eighteen ditto, 800 twelve ditto, 990 nine ditto, 400 six ditto, 6 dozen port fires, 270 tin tubes filled, 6000 ditto empty.
Eight hundred and forty-seven in store, 4569 delivered at the abbatis, 15 stands of regimental colours.
Large quantities of musquet cartridges, arms, and other small articles,
not included in the above return: The scattered situation of the different
stores not admitting of collecting them in so short a time. A more exact
account will be given as soon as possible.
Brass guns, 21; mortars, 9; howitzers, 1; iron guns, 280. Total, 311. Besides the ordnance taken in fort Moultrie, Lampries, mount Pleasant, and on board the vessels, amounting in the whole to eighty or ninety pieces; and one ten-inch mortar.
Major, commanding in the royal artillery.
London Gazette.
Copy of a letter from General Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. to Lord George Germain, dated Head Quarters, Charles town, South Carolina, June 3, 1780.
My Lord,
I have the honour to enclose, for your lordship's information, the copies
of two proclamations I have found it necessary to issue as commander in
chief, and the copy of a handbill which has been circulated amongst the
inhabitants, and appears to have had a very good effect.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Handbill issued after the surrender of Charles town.
When the royal army arrived in South Carolina, the commander in chief avoided, as much as possible, every measure which might excite the loyal inhabitants to rise in favour of government, and thus bring danger and trouble upon themselves, at a time when the King's army, being employed in the reduction of Charles town, could not assist or second their struggles.
The blood of the loyalists that had been unhappily shed, and the severities which had been inflicted on them by the rebels, in consequence of the former spirited but ill-timed insurrections of the King's numerous friends on the back of both Carolinas, had already occasioned [p69] too much grief and regret to His Majesty, and the fellow subjects in Europe, for him wantonly to bring again into hazard the lives and happiness of men who deserve so well of their country.
But Charles town, with its harbour, and fort Moultrie, being now reduced, and their garrisons, to the amount of six thousand men, with all their arms, stores, artillery, and ships of war, being in possession of His Majesty's forces, the time is come when it is equally the interest and duty of every good man to be in readiness to join the King's troops, and assist them in establishing justice and liberty, and in restoring and securing their own property, whenever they shall march to support them against the small rebel parties that still linger at a distance in the province.
After so much disorder, violence, and oppression, the helping hand of every man (a.) is wanted to re-establish peace and good government; and as the commander in chief wished not to draw the King's friends into danger, when any doubt could remain of their success; so now that that is certain, he trusts that one and all will heartily join, and, by a general concurrence, give effect to such necessary measures for that purpose, as, from time to time, may be pointed out to them. And they may rest assured that every means will be used to avoid giving them any trouble but what is necessary to secure to them peace, liberty, and prosperity.
In order to attain these happy ends, it is the duty of all men, who wish well to themselves and their country, to be ready at a moment, with their arms, to regain their just rights, and support the free constitution of their forefathers, under which we all increased and prospered.
[p70] Those who have families will form a militia to remain at home, and occasionally to assemble in their own districts, when required, under officers of their own chusing, for the maintenance of peace and good order. Those who have no families, and can conveniently be spared for a time, it is hoped will cheerfully assist His Majesty's troops in driving their rebels oppressors, and all the miseries of war, far from the province.
For this purpose it is necessary that the young men be ready to assemble when required, and serve with the King's troops for any six months of the ensuing twelve that may be found requisite, under proper regulations. They may chuse officers to each company to command them, and will be allowed, when on service, pay, ammunition, and provisions, in the same manner as the King's troops. When they join the army, each man will be furnished with a certificate, declaring that he is only engaged to serve as a militia man for the time specified; that he is not to be marched beyond North Carolina and Georgia; and that when the time is out, he is freed from all claims whatever of military service, except the common and usual militia duty where he lives.
He will then have paid his debt to his country, and be entitled to enjoy, undisturbed, that peace, liberty, and property, at home, which he had contributed to secure.
By His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the most honourable order of the Bath, general and commander in chief of all His Majesty's forces within the colonies lying on the Atlantic ocean, from Nova Scotia to West Florida inclusive.
WHEREAS, notwithstanding the gracious offers which have been made to receive to His Majesty's peace and protection, with pardon and oblivion for their past offences, all those his deluded and infatuated subjects, who should return to their duty, and a due obedience to the laws, yet there are some wicked and desperate men, who, regardless of the ruin and misery in which the country will be involved, are still endeavouring to support the flame of rebellion, and, under pretence of authority derived from the late usurped legislatures, are attempting, by enormous fines, grievous imprisonments, and sanguinary punishments, to compel His Majesty's faithful and unwilling subjects to take up arms against his authority and government; and it is therefore become necessary, as well for the protection of the loyal subjects, as to procure the establishment of peace and good government in the country, to prevent, by the terror of example, such enormous offences being committed in the future: I have therefore thought fit to issue this my proclamation, to declare, (b.) that if any person shall hereafter appear in arms, in order to prevent the establishment of His Majesty's government in this country, or shall, under any pretence or authority whatsoever, attempt to compel any other person or persons to do so, or who shall hinder or intimidate, or attempt to hinder or intimidate, the King's faithful and loyal subjects [p72] from joining his forces, or otherwise performing those duties their allegiance requires, such person or persons so offending shall be treated with that severity so criminal and hardened an obstinacy will deserve, and his or their estates will be immediately seized, in order to be confiscated. And for the encouragement of the King's faithful and peaceable subjects, I do again assure them, that they shall meet with effectual countenance, protection, and support; and whenever the situation of the country will permit of the restoration of civil government and peace, they will, by the commissioners appointed by His Majesty for that purpose, be restored to the full possession of that liberty in their persons and property which they had before experienced under the British government. And that so desirable an event may be the more speedily accomplished, I do hereby, in His Majesty's name, require and command all persons whatsoever to be aiding and assisting to his forces, whenever they shall be required, in order to extirpate the rebellion, and thereby restore peace and prosperity to this, at present, desolated and distracted country.
Given under my hand, at head quarters in Charles town, the 22d day of May, 1780.
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
By his excellency's command,
Assisting secretary.
[p73] (COPY.)
By His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the most honourable order of the Bath, general and commander in chief of all His Majesty's forces within the colonies lying on the Atlantic ocean, from Nova Scotia to West Florida inclusive, &c. &c. &c.
WHEREAS after the arrival of His Majesty's forces under my command in this province, in February last, numbers of persons were made prisoners by the army, or voluntarily surrendered themselves as such, and such persons were afterwards dismissed on their respective paroles; and whereas since the surrender of Charles town, and the defeats and dispersion of the rebel forces, it is become unnecessary that such paroles should be any longer observed; and proper that all persons should take an active part in settling and securing His Majesty's government, and delivering the country from that anarchy which for some time past hath prevailed; I do hereby issue this my proclamation, to declare, that all the inhabitants of this province, who are now prisoners upon parole, and were not in the military line, (those who were in fort Moultrie and Charles town at the times of their capitulation and surrender, or were then in actual confinement excepted) that from and after the twentieth day of June instant, they are freed and exempted from all such paroles, and may hold themselves as restored to all the rights and duties belonging to citizens and inhabitants.
And all persons under the description before mentioned, who shall afterwards neglect to return to their allegiance, and to His Majesty's [p74] government, will be considered as enemies and rebels to the same, and treated accordingly.
Given under my hand, at head quarters in Charles town, the 3d day of June, 1780, and in the twentieth year of His Majesty's reign.
(Signed) H. CLINTON.
By his excellency's command,
Assisting secretary.
By Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, general of His Majesty's forces, and Mariot Arbuthnot, Esquire, vice admiral of the blue, His Majesty's commissioners to restore peace and good government in the several colonies in rebellion in North America.
His Majesty having been pleased by his letters patent, under the great seal of Great Britain, to appoint us to be his commissioners, to restore the blessings of peace and liberty to the several colonies in rebellions in America, we do hereby make public his most gracious intentions, and in obedience to his commands, do declare to such of his deluded subjects as have been perverted from their duty by the factious arts of self-interested and ambitious men, that they will be received with mercy and forgiveness, if they immediately return to their allegiance, and a due obedience to those laws and that government which they formerly boasted was their best birthright and noblest inheritance; [p75] and upon a due experience of the sincerity of their professions, a full and free pardon will be granted for the treasonable offences which they have heretofore committed, in such manner and form as His Majesty's commission doth direct.
Nevertheless it is only to those, who, convinced of their errors, are firmly resolved to return to and support that government under which they were formerly so happy and free, that these gracious offers are once more renewed; and therefore those persons are expected, who, notwithstanding their present hopeless situation, and regardless of the accumulating pressure of the miseries of the people, which their infatuated conduct must contribute to increase, are nevertheless still so hardened in their guilt, as to endeavour to keep alive the flame of rebellion in this province, which will otherwise soon be reinstated in its former prosperity, security, and peace.
Nor can we at present resolve to extend the royal clemency to those who are polluted with the blood of their fellow citizens, most wantonly and inhumanly shed under the mock forms of justice, because they refused submission to an usurpation which they abhorred, and would not oppose that government with which they deemed themselves inseparably connected: And in order to give quiet and content to the minds of His Majesty's faithful and well-affected subjects, we do again assure them, that they shall have effectual countenance, protection, and support, and, as soon as the situation of the province will admit, the inhabitants will be re-instated in the possession of all those rights and immunities which they heretofore enjoyed under a free British government, exempt from taxation, except by their own legislature: And we do hereby call upon all His Majesty's faithful subjects, to be aiding with their endeavours, in order that a [p76] measure so conducive to their own happiness, and the welfare and prosperity of the province, may be the more speedily and easily attained.
Given under our hands and seals, at Charles town, the 1st day of June, in the twentieth year of His Majesty's reign, and in the year of our Lord 1780.
By their excellencies command,
Extract of a letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Earl Cornwallis, dated Charles town, May 17, 1780.
Your (a.) lordship has already with you (in the field) two thousand five hundred and forty-two rank and file; but if you have the least reason to suppose the enemy likely to be in great number, you shall be reinforced with the 42d, the light infantry, and any other corps you chuse. As your move is important, it must not be stinted. I will give you all you wish of every sort. Let me know what it is as soon as possible. In the mean time, I shall order the light infantry and 42d regiment to prepare; depending upon it, that as soon as you can spare them, you will return them to me; for all [p77] operations to the northward must be cramped without them. If you chuse to keep the 17th dragoons, you are heartily welcome to them during this move.
Extract of a letter from Earl Cornwallis to Sir Henry Clinton, dated Camp at Lenew's, east side of Santee, May 21, 1780.
The march of the light infantry and 42d to Monk's corner will be of use to those corps, and will help to spread alarm through the country; but from what I hear, I do not believe that there can be any necessity for detaining any part of the first embarkation a moment after the ships are ready for them.
Copy of a summons sent by Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton to Colonel Buford, dated Wacsaws, May 29, 1780.
Resistance being vain, to prevent the effusion of human blood, I
make offers which can never be repeated:-- You
are now almost encompassed by a corps of seven hundred light troops on
horseback; half of that number are infantry with cannon, the rest cavalry:
Earl Cornwallis is likewise within a short march with nine British
I warn you of the temerity of farther inimical proceedings, and I hold out the following conditions, which are nearly the same as were [p78] accepted by Charles town: But if any persons attempt to fly after this flag is received, rest assured, that their rank shall not protect them, if taken, from rigorous treatment.
1st ART. All officers to be prisoners of war, but admitted to parole, and allowed to return to their habitations till exchanged.
2d ART. All continental soldiers to go to Lamprie's point, or any neighbouring post, to remain there till exchanged, and to receive the same provisions as British soldiers.
3d ART. All militia soldiers to be prisoners upon parole at their respective habitations.
4th ART. All arms, artillery, ammunition, stores, provisions, waggons, horses, &c. to be faithfully delivered.
5th ART. All officers to be allowed their private baggage and horses, and to have their side arms returned.
I expect an answer to these propositions as soon as possible; if they are accepted, you will order every person under your command to pile his arms in one hour after you receive the flag: If you are rash enough to reject them, the blood be upon your hand.
I have the honour to be,
Lieutenant colonel, commandant
of the British legion.
Colonel Buford, &c. &c.
[p79] Copy of Colonel Buford's answer to Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton's summons to surrender.
Wacsaws, May 29, 1780.
I reject your proposals, and shall defend myself to the last extremity.
I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) ABR. BUFORD, Colonel.
Lieut. Col. Tarleton,
Commanding British legion.
London Gazette Extraordinary.
Whitehall, July 5, 1780.
The following letters from Sir Henry Clinton, Knight of the Bath, commander in chief of His Majesty's forces in North America, to the Right Hon. Lord George Germain, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of state, were this day received by Lieutenant-colonel Bruce, one of Sir Henry Clinton's aids-de-camp, who arrived in the South-Carolina packet.
Head Quarters, Charles town, South Carolina,
June 4, 1780.
My Lord,
I had the honour, in my dispatch, No. 88, by the Earl of Lincoln, to
communicate to your lordship the surrender of Charles town. I am now
able to give your lordship a return of the
prisoners(*) taken,
amounting, as you will observe, exclusive of near a thousand sailors in
arms, to five thousand six hundred and eighteen men.
I informed (a.) your lordship, that Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis was to march up the north side of the Santee, while another corps moved up the hither shore of that river towards the district of Ninety Six. These corps are in motion, as well as the one up the Savannah river in Georgia.
The troops immediately under his lordship's command have pressed so effectually upon a body of the rebels which remained in the province, that the earl, by detaching his corps of cavalry, [(b.)?] and with them the legion infantry, (mounted) has completed the destruction of every thing in arms against us in this province.
Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton headed this detachment, whose celerity in performing a march of near a hundred miles in two days, was equal to the ardour with which they attacked the enemy. These refusing the terms which were offered them, were charged and defeated, with the loss of one hundred and seventy-two killed, and some taken, together with the remaining field artillery of the southern army, their colours, and baggage.
With the greatest pleasure (f.) I farther report to your lordship, that the inhabitants from every quarter repair to the detachments of the army, and to this garrison, to declare their allegiance to the King, and to offer their services, in arms, in support of his government. In many instances they have brought prisoners their former oppressors or leaders; and I may venture to assert, that there are few men in South Carolina who are not either our prisoners, or in arms with us.
[p81] I have also the satisfaction to receive corresponding accounts, that the loyalists in the back parts of North Carolina are arming. I dare entertain hopes that Earl Cornwallis's presence on that frontier, and perhaps within the province, will call back its inhabitants from their state of error and disobedience. If a proper naval force can be collected, I purpose sending a small expedition into Cape-fear river, to favour the revolution I look for higher in the country.
I am, with the troops I could take, quitting the harbour of Charles town, on my way to New York, hoping no foreign armament can yet have reached the coast, or have been able to attempt any thing, in our absence, against that place.
Lieutenant-colonel Bruce, my aid-de-camp, will have the honour of presenting these dispatches to your lordship. He has served with distinction during this whole war, and is well able to satisfy your lordship in any inquiries you may be pleased to make concerning the late operations in Carolina.
Your lordship will receive by Major-general Prevost, who sails in a few days, the account from Earl Cornwallis of what shall have occurred to that time.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Romulus, off Charles-town bar,
June 5, 1780.
My Lord,
I have just received from Earl Cornwallis a letter, enclosing a more
particular report than has yet been received from Lieutenant-colonel
Tarleton, of the affair at Wacsaw. I have the honour to enclose
both, together with a return of the killed and wounded, and of the
artillery and other implements taken.
Your lordship will observe, that the enemy's killed and wounded, and taken, exceed Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton's numbers with which he attacked them.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Camden, June 2, 1780.
In my letter
of the 30th of last month, I enclosed a note from Lieutenant-colonel
Tarleton, wrote in great haste from the field of action, and I explained
my reasons for sending the detachment under his command in pursuit of
the enemy.
I have now the honour of transmitting to you his account of the march and engagement, with the loss on both sides.
I can only add the highest encomiums on the conduct of Lieutenant-colonel Tarleton. It will give me the most sensible satisfaction to hear that your Excellency has been able to obtain for him some distinguished mark of His Majesty's favour.
I have the honour to be, &c.
His Excellency Sir Henry Clinton,
K. B. &c.
[p83] (COPY.)
My Lord,
I have
the honour to inform you, that yesterday at three o'clock, P. M. after a
march of one hundred and five miles in fifty-four hours, with the corps
of cavalry, the infantry of the legion, mounted on horses, and a three
pounder, at Wacsaw, near the line which divides North from South
Carolina, the rebel force, commanded by Colonel Buford, consisting of
the 11th Virginia and detachments of other regiments, from the same
province, with artillery, and some cavalry, were brought to action.
After the summons, in which terms similar to those accepted by Charles town were offered, and positively rejected, the action commenced in a wood; the attacks were pointed at both flanks, the front, and reserve, by two hundred and seventy cavalry and infantry blended, and at the same instant all were equally victorious, few of the enemy escaping, except the commanding officer by a precipitate flight on horseback.
It is above my ability to say any thing in commendation of the bravery and exertion of officers and men. I leave their merit to your lordship's consideration.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Lieutenant colonel, commandant of
the British legion
Lieutenant-general Earl Cornwallis, &c. &c.
[p84] Return (c.) of rebels killed, wounded, and taken, in the affair at Wacsaw, the 29th of May, 1780.
1 lieutenant colonel, 3 captains, 8 subalterns, 1 adjutant, 1 quarter master, 99 serjeants and rank and file, killed.
3 captains, 5 subalterns, 142 serjeants and rank and file, wounded, unable to travel, and left on parole.
2 captains, 1 subaltern, 50 serjeants and rank and file, prisoners.
Taken, 3 stand (d.) of colours, 2 brass six pounders, 2 royals, 2 waggons with ammunition, 1 artillery forge cart, 55 barrels of powder, 26 waggons with new cloathing, arms, musquet cartridges, new cartridge boxes, flints, and camp equipage.
Lieutenant colonel, commandant of
the British legion.
(b.) Return of British killed and wounded in the affair at Wacsaw, the 29th of May, 1780.
Cavalry. 2 privates, 11 horses killed; 1 subaltern, 8 privates, 19 horses, wounded.
Infantry. 2 subalterns, 1 private, killed; 3 privates wounded.
N. B. Lieutenant Pateschall, 17th dragoons, wounded; Lieutenant Lauchlin M'Donald, of the legion infantry, killed; Ensign Campbell, of the legion infantry, serving with cavalry, killed.
(Signed) B. TARLETON,
Lieutenant colonel, commandant
of the British legion.
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(*) Placed after the public letter transmitted by the Earl of Lincoln. [ back ]
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