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"The Swamp Fox, Francis Marion" by Noel Gerson

[published by Ballantine Books; (1967) 1974]


I have occasionally seen this book listed as a biography, but it actually tells the story of Francis Marion's life in a novelized form. I don't know enough about most of Marion's background to separate fact from myth so I can't comment on its veracity. Purely as a novel, it's somewhat flat in tone but still quite enjoyable.

The one period I can comment on -- his duel with the British in 1780-81 -- is well handled, given when the novel was written, and gives a surprisingly fair and even-handed representation of Banastre Tarleton. Gerson plays him as ruthless and dangerous to his enemies, but no more than that. He's shown burning houses and trampling crops (he did both); he is not shown terrorizing or randomly murdering civilians. Bravo!

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