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Copy of a Letter from an Officer at Philadelphia to his Correspondent in London.
Philadelphia, May 23, 1778.
For the first time in my life I write to you with unwillingness. The ship that carries home Sir William Howe will convey this letter to you; and not even the pleasure of conversing with my friend can secure me from the general dejection I see around me, or removed a share I must take in the universal regret and disappointment which his approaching departure hath spread throughout the whole army. We see him taken from us at a time when we most stand in need of so skillful and popular a commander; when the experience of three years, and the knowledge he hath acquired of the country and people, have added to the confidence we always placed in his conduct and abilities. You know he was ever a favorite with the military; but the affection and attachment which all ranks of officers in this army bear him, can only be known by those who have at this time seen them in their effects. I do not believe there is upon record an instance of a Commander in Chief having so universally endeared himself to those under his command; or of one who received such signal and flattering proofs of their love. That our sentiments might be the more universally and unequivocally known, it was resolved amongst us, that we should give him as splendid an entertainment as the shortness of the time, and our present situation, would allow us. For the expenses, the whole army would have most chearfully contributed; but it was requisite to draw the line somewhere, and twenty-two field officers joined in a subscription adequate to the plan they meant to adopt. I know your curiosity will be raised on this occasion; I shall therefore give you as particular an account of our Mischianza as I have been able to collect. From the name you will perceive that it was made up of a variety of entertainments. Four of the gentlemen subscribers were appointed managers -- Sir John Wrottesley, Col. O'Hara, Major Gardiner, and Montresor, the chief engineer. On the tickets of admission, which they gave out for Monday the 18th, was engraved, in a shield, a view of the sea, with the setting sun, and on a wreath, the words Luceo discedens, aucto splendore resurgam. At top was the General's crest, with vive! vale! All round the shield ran a vignette, and various military trophies filled up the ground. A grand regatta began the entertainment. It consisted of three divisions. In the first was the Ferret galley, having on board several General-Officers, and the number of Ladies. In the center was the Hussar galley, with Sir William and Lord Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, the Officers of their suite, and some Ladies. The Cornwallis galley brought up the rear, having on board General Knyphausen and his suite, three British Generals, and a party of Ladies. On each quarter of these gallies, and forming their division, where five flat boats, lined with green cloth, and filled with Ladies and Gentlemen. In front of the whole were three flat boats, with a band of music in each -- Six barges rode about each flank, to keep off the swarm of boats that covered the river from side to side. The galleys were dressed out in a variety of colours and streamers, and in each flat boat was displayed the flag of its own division. In the stream opposite the center of the city, the Fanny armed ship, magnificently decorated, was placed at anchor, and at some distance a-head lay his Majesty's ship Roebuck, with the Admiral's flag hoisted at the foretop-mast-head. The transport ships, extending in a line the whole length of the town, appeared with colours flying, and crouded with spectators, as were also the openings of the several wharfs, on shore, exhibiting the most picturesque and enlivening scene the eye could desire. The rendezvous was at Knight's-Wharf, at the northern extremity of the city. By half after four the whole company were embarked, and a signal being made by the Vigilant's manning ship, the three divisions rowed slowly down, preserving their proper intervals, and keeping time to the music that led the fleet. Arrived between the Fanny and the Market Wharf, the signal was made from one of the boats a head, and the whole lay upon their oars, while the music played, God save the King, and three cheers given from the vessels were returned from the multitude on shore. By this time the flood-tide became too rapid for the gallies to advance; they were therefore quitted, and the Company disposed of in the different barges. This alteration broke in upon the order of procession, but was necessary to give sufficient time for displaying the entertainments that were prepared onshore.
The landing-place was at the Old Fort, a little to the southward of the town, fronting the building prepared for the reception of the company about 400 yards from the water by a gentle ascent. As soon as the General's barge was seen to [p354] push for the shore, a salute of 17 guns was fired from the Roebuck, and, after some interval, by the same number from the Vigilant. The company, as they disembarked, arranged themselves into a line of procession, and advanced through an avenue formed by two files of grenadiers, and a line of light-horse supporting each file. This avenue led to a square lawn of 150 yards on each side, lined with troops, and properly prepared for the exhibition of a tilt and tournament, according to the customs and ordinances of ancient chivalry. We proceeded through the centre of the square. The music, consisting of all the bands of the army, moved in front. The Managers, with favors of white and blue ribbands in their breasts, followed next in order. The General, Admiral, and the rest of the company, succeeded promiscuously.
In front appeared the building, bounding the view through a vista formed by two triumphal arches, erected at proper intervals in a line with the landing-place. Two pavilions, with rows of benches, rising one above the other, and serving as the advanced wings of the first triumphal arch, received the Ladies, while the Gentlemen ranged themselves in convenient order on each side. On the front seat of each pavilion were placed seven of the principal young Ladies of the country, dressed in Turkish habits, and wearing in their turbans the favors with which they meant to reward the several Knights who were to contend in their honour. These arrangements were scarce made when the sound of trumpets was heard at a distance; and a band of Knights, dressed in ancient habits of white and red silk, and mounted on gray horses, richly caparisoned in trappings of the same colours, entered the lists, attended by their Esquires on foot, in suitable apparel, in the following order:-- Four trumpeters, properly habited, their trumpets decorated with small pendent banners -- A herald in his robes of ceremony, on his tunic was the device of his band, two roses intertwined, with the Motto, We droop when separated.
Lord Cathcart, superbly mounted on a managed horse, appeared as chief of these Knights; two young black slaves, with sashes and drawers of blue and white silk, wearing large silver clasps round their necks and arms, their breasts and shoulders bare, held his stirrups. On his right hand walked Capt. Hazard, and on his left Capt. Brownlow, his two Esquires, one bearing his Lance, the other his shield.
His device was Cupid riding on a Lion; the Motto, Surmounted by Love. His Lordship appeared in honour of Miss Auchmuty.
Then came in order the Knights of his band, each attended by his Squire, bearing his lance and shield.
1st Knight, Hon. Capt. Cathcart, in honour of Miss N. White. -- Squire, Capt. Peters. Device, a heart and sword; Motto, Love and Honour.
2d Knight, Lieut. Bygrove, in honour of Miss Craig. -- Squire, Lieut. Nichols. -- Device, Cupid tracing a Circle; Motto, Without End.
3d Knight, Capt. André, in honour of Miss P. Chew. -- Squire, Lieut. André. -- Device, two Game-cocks fighting; Motto, No Rival.
4th Knight, Capt. Horneck, in honour of Miss N. Redman. -- Squire, Lieut. Talbot. -- Device, a burning Heart; Motto, Absence cannot extinguish.
5th Knight, Capt. Matthews, in honour of Miss Bond. -- Squire, Lieut. Hamilton. -- Device, a winged Heart; Motto, Each Fair by Turn.
6th Knight, Lieut. Sloper, in honour of Miss M. Shippen. -- Squire, Lieutenant Brown. -- Device, a Heart and Sword; Motto, Honour and the Fair.
After they had made the circuit of the square, and saluted the Ladies as they passed before the pavilions, they ranged themselves in a line with that in which were the Ladies of their Device; and their Herald (Mr. Beaumont), advancing into the center of the square, after a flourish of trumpets, proclaimed the following challenge:
"The Knights of the Blended Rose, by me their Herald, proclaim and assert that the Ladies of the Blended Rose excell in wit, beauty, and every accomplishment, those of the whole World; and, should any Knight or Knights be so hardy as to dispute or deny it, they are ready to enter the lists with them, and maintain their assertions by deeds of arms, according to the laws of ancient chivalry."
At the third repetition of the challenge the sound of trumpets was heard from the opposite side of the Square; and another Herald, with four Trumpeters, dressed in black and orange, galloped into the lists. He was met by the Herald of the Blended Rose, and after a short parlay they both advanced in front of the pavilions, when the Black Herald (Lieut. Moore) ordered his trumpets to sound, and then proclaimed defiance to the challenge in the following words:
"The Knights of the Burning Mountain [p355] present themselves here, not to contest by words, but to disprove by deeds, the vain-glorious assertions of the Knights of the Blended Rose, and enter these lists to maintain, that the Ladies of the Burning Mountain are not excelled in beauty, virtue, or accomplishments, by any in the universe."
He then returned to the part of the barrier through which he had entered; and shortly after the Black Knights, attended by their Squires, rode into the lists in the following order:
Four Trumpeters preceding the Herald, on whose tunic was represented a mountain, sending forth flames. -- Motto, I burn for ever.
Captain Watson, of the guards, as Chief, dressed in a magnificent suit of black and orange silk, and mounted on a black managed horse, with trappings of the same colours with his own dress, appeared in honour of Miss Franks. He was attended in the same manner as Lord Cathcart. Capt. Scot bore his lance, and Lieut. Lyttelton his shield. The Device, a Heart, with a Wreath of Flowers; Motto, Love and Glory.
1st Knight, Lieut. Underwood, in honour of Miss S. Shippen. -- Squire, Ensign Haverkam. -- Device, a Pelican feeding her young; Motto, For those I love.
2d Knight, Lieut. Winyard, in honour of Miss P. Shippen. -- Squire, Capt. Boscawen. -- Device, a Bay-leaf; Motto, Unchangeable.
3d Knight, Lieut. Delaval, in honour of Miss B. Bond. -- Squire, Capt. Thorn. -- Device, a Heart, aimed at by several arrows, and struck by one; Motto, One only pierces me.
4th Knight, Monsieur Montluissant, (Lieut. of the Hessian Chasseurs,) in honour of Miss B. Redman. -- Squire, Capt. Campbell. -- Device, a Sun-flower turning towards the Sun; Motto, Je vise à vous.
5th Knight, Lieut. Hobbart, in honour of Miss S. Chew. -- Squire, Lieut. Briscoe. -- Device, Cupid piercing a Coat of Mail with his Arrow; Motto, Proof to all but Love.
6th Knight, Brigade-Major Tarlton, in honour of Miss W. Smith. -- Squire, Ensign Heart. -- Device, a Light Dragoon; Motto, Swift, vigilant, and bold.
After they had rode round the lists, and made their obeisance to the Ladies, they drew up fronting the white Knights; and the chief of these having thrown down his gauntlet, the Chief of the Black Knights directed his Esquire to take it up. The Knights then received their Lances from their Esquires, fixed their shields on their left arms, and making a general salute to each other, by a very graceful movement of their lances, turned round to take their career, and, encountering in full gallop, shivered their spears. In the second and third encounter they discharged their pistols. In the fourth they fought with their swords. At length the two chiefs, spurring forward into the Center, engaged furiously in single combat, till the Marshal of the Field (Major Gwyne) rushed in between the Chiefs, and declared that the Fair Damsels of the Blended Rose and Burning Mountain were perfectly satisfied with the proofs of love, and the signal feats of valor, given by their respective Knights; and commanded them, as they prized the future favors of their Mistresses, that they would instantly desist from further combat. Obedience being paid by the Chiefs to this order, they joined their respective bands. The White Knights and their attendants filed off to the left, the Black Knights to the right; and, after passing each other at the lower side of the quadrangle, moved up alternately, till they approached the pavilions of the Ladies, where they gave a general salute.
A passage being now opened between the two pavilions, the Knights, preceded by their Squires and the bands of music, rode through the first triumphal arch, and arranged themselves to the right and left. This arch was erected in honour of Lord Howe. It presented two fronts, in the Tuscan order; the pediment was adorned with various naval trophies, and at top was the figure of Neptune, with the Trident in his right hand. In a nich, I'm each side, stood a Sailor, with a drawn cutlass. Three Plumes of Feathers were placed on the summit of each wing, and in the entablature was this inscription: Laus illi debetur, et a me gratia major. The interval between the two arches was an avenue 300 feet long, and 34 broad. It was lined on each side with a file of troops; and the colours of all the army, planted at proper distances, had a beautiful effect in diversifying the scene. Between these colours the Knights and Squires took their stations. The Bands continued to play several pieces of martial music. The Company moved forward in procession, with the Ladies in the Turkish habits in front; as these passed, they were saluted by their Knights, who then dismounted and joined them: and in this order we were all conducted into a garden that fronted the house, through the second triumphal arch, dedicated to the General. [p356] This arch was also built in the Tuscan order. On the interior part of the pediment was painted a Plume of Feathers, and various military trophies. At top stood the figure of Fame, and in the entablature this device, -- I, bone, quo virtus, tua te vocet; I pede fausto. On the right-hand pillar was placed a bomb-shell, and on the left a flaming heart. The front next the house was adorned with preparations for a fire-work. From the garden, we ascended a flight of steps, covered with carpets, which led into a spacious hall; the pannels, painted in imitation of Sienna marble, enclosing festoons of white marble: the surbase, and all below, with black. In this hall, and in the adjoining apartments, were prepared tea, lemonade, and other cooling liquors, to which the company seated themselves; during which time the Knights came in, and on the knee received their favors from their respective Ladies. One of these rooms was afterwards appropriated for the use of the Pharaoh table; as you entered it, you saw, on a pannel over the chimney, a Cornucopia, exuberantly filled with flowers of the richest colours; over the door, as you went out, another presented itself, shrunk, reversed, and emptied.
For these apartments we were conducted up to a ball-room, decorated into a light elegant stile of painting. The ground was a pale blue, pannelled with a small gold bead, and in the interior filled with dropping festoons of flowers in their natural colours. Below the surbase the ground was of rose pink, with drapery festooned in blue. These decorations were heightened by 85 mirrors, decked with rose-pink silk ribbands, and artificial flowers; and in the intermediate spaces were 34 branches with wax-lights, ornamented in a similar manner.
On the same floor were four drawing-rooms, with side-boards of refreshments, decorated and lighted in the same stile and taste as the ball-room. The ball was opened by the Knights and their Ladies; and the dances continued till ten o'clock, when the windows were thrown open, and a magnificent bouquet of rockets began the fire-works. These were planned by Capt. Montresor, the chief engineer; and consisted of twenty different exhibitions, displayed under his direction with the happiest success, and in the highest style of beauty. Towards the conclusion, the interior part of the triumphal arch was illuminated amidst an uninterrupted flight of rockets and bursting of baloons. The military trophies on each side assumed a variety of transparent colours. The shell and flaming heart on the wings sent forth Chinese fountains, succeeded by fire-pots. Fame appeared at top, spangled with stars, and from her trumpet blowing the following device in letters of light, Tes Lauriers sont immortals. -- A sauteur of Rockets, bursting from the pediment, concluded the feu d'artifice.
At twelve supper was announced, and large folding doors, hitherto artfully concealed, being suddenly thrown open, discovered a magnificent saloon of 210 feet by 40, and 22 in height, with three alcoves on each side, which served for side-boards. The ceiling was the segment of a circle, and the sides were painted of a light straw-colour, with vine leaves and festooned-flowers, some in a bright, some in a darkish green. Fifty-six large pier-glasses, ornamented with green silk artificial flowers and ribbands; 100 branches with three lights in each, trimmed in the same manner as the mirrors; 18 lustres each, with 24 lights, suspended from the cieling, and ornamented as the branches; 300 wax-tapers, disposed along the supper tables; 430 covers, 1200 dishes; 24 black slaves, in oriental dresses, with silver collars and bracelets, ranged in two lines, and bending to the ground as the General and Admiral approached the saloon: all these, forming together the most brilliant assemblage of gay objects, and appearing at once as we entered by an easy descent, exhibited a coup d'oeil beyond description magnificent.
Towards the end of supper, the Herald of the Blended Rose, in his habit of ceremony, attended by his trumpets, entered the saloon, and proclaimed to the King's health, the Queen, and Royal Family, the Army and Navy, with their respective Commanders, the Knights and their Ladies, the Ladies in general; each of these toasts, was followed by a flourish of music. After supper we returned to the ball-room, and continued to dance till four o'clock.
Such, my dear friend, is the description, though a very faint one, of the most splendid entertainment, I believe, ever given by an army to their General. But what must be most grateful to Sir W. Howe, is the spirit and motives from which it was given. He goes from this place to-morrow; but, as I understand he means to stay a day or two with his brother on board the Eagle at Billingsport, I shall not seal this letter till I see him depart from Philadelphia.
Sunday 24th. I am just returned from conducting our beloved General to the water-side, and have seen him receive a more flattering testimony of the love and [p357] attachment of his army, than all the pomp and splendor of the Mischianza could convey to him. I have seen the most gallant of our officers, and those whom I least suspected of giving such instances of their affection, shed tears while they bid him farewell. The gallant and affectionate General of the Hessians, Knyphausen, was so moved, that he could not finish a compliment he began to pay him in his own name, and that of his officers who attended him. Sir Henry Clinton attended him to the wharf, were Lord Howe received him into his barge, and they are both gone down to Billingsport. On my return, I saw nothing but dejected countenances.
Adieu, &c.
ADDRESS intended to have been spoken at the Mischianza, by a Herald holding in his Hand a Laurel-Wreath with the following Inscription:
MARS, conquest-plum'd, the Cyprian Queen disarms;
And Victors, vanquish'd, yield to Beauty's Charms.
After banging the Wreath on the Front of the Pavilion, he was to have proceeded thus:
HERE then the laurel, here the palm we yield.
And all the trophies of the tilted field;
Here *Whites and Blacks, with blended homage, pay
To each Device the honours of the day.
Hard were the talk, and impious to decide
Where all are fairest, which the fairer side.
Enough for us, if by such sports we strove
To grace this feast of military love.
And, joining in the wish of every heart,
Honour'd the friend and leader ere we part.When great in arms our brave forefathers rose,
And loos'd the British Lion on his foes;
When the fall'n Gauls, then perjur'd too and base,
The faithless fathers of a faithless race,
First to attack, tho' still the first to yield,
Shrunk from their rage on Poictiers' laurel'd field;
Oft, while grim War suspended his alarms,
The gallant bands with mimic deeds of arms,
Thus to some favourite chief the feast decree,
And deck'd the tilting Knight, th'encountering steed.
In manly sports that serv'd but to inspire
Contempt of death, and feed the martial fire.
The lists beheld them celebrate his name
Who led their steps to victory and fame.
Thro' ev'ry rank the grateful ardor ran;
All fear'd the chieftain, but all lov'd the man;
And, fired with the foul of this bright day,
Pay'd to a Salisbury what to Howe we pay.Shame to the envious slave that dares bemoan
Their sons degenerate, or their spirit flown--
Let maddening Faction drive this guilty land
With her worst foes to form th'unnatural band;
In yon brave croud old British courage glows
Unconquer'd, growing as the danger grows.
With hearts as bold as e'er their fathers bore,
Their country they'll avenge, her fame restore.
Rouz'd to the charge, methinks I hear them cry,
Revenge and glory sparkling from every eye,
"Chain'd to our arms while Howe the battle led,
Still round these files her wings shall Conquest spread.
Lov'd tho' he goes, the spirit still remains
That with him bore us o'er these trembling plains.
On **Hudson's banks the sure presage we read
Of other triumphs to our arms decreed;
Nor fear but equal honours shall repay
Each hardy deed where Clinton points the way."
[Source: Gentleman's Magazine, August, 1778; pp353-357.]
* The Knights so distinguished. [ back ]
** The North-river expedition from New York, last autumn. [ back ]
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