To John Dickinson Washington, Mar. 6, 1801
DEAR SIR, -- No pleasure can exceed that which I received from
reading your letter of the 21st ult. It was like the joy we expect
in the mansions of the blessed, when received with the embraces of
our fathers, we shall be welcomed with their blessing as having done
our part not unworthily of them. The storm through which we have
passed, has been tremendous indeed. The tough sides of our Argosie
have been thoroughly tried. Her strength has stood the waves into
which she was steered, with a view to sink her. We shall put her on
her republican tack, & she will now show by the beauty of her motion
the skill of her builders. Figure apart, our fellow citizens have
been led hood-winked from their principles, by a most extraordinary
combination of circumstances. But the band is removed, and they now
see for themselves. I hope to see shortly a perfect consolidation,
to effect which, nothing shall be spared on my part, short of the
abandonment of the principles of our revolution. A just and solid
republican government maintained here, will be a standing monument &
example for the aim & imitation of the people of other countries; and
I join with you in the hope and belief that they will see, from our
example, that a free government is of all others the most energetic;
that the inquiry which has been excited among the mass of mankind by
our revolution & it's consequences, will ameliorate the condition of
man over a great portion of the globe. What a satisfaction have we
in the contemplation of the benevolent effects of our efforts,
compared with those of the leaders on the other side, who have
discountenanced all advances in science as dangerous innovations,
have endeavored to render philosophy and republicanism terms of
reproach, to persuade us that man cannot be governed but by the rod,
&c. I shall have the happiness of living & dying in the contrary
hope. Accept assurances of my constant & sincere respect and
attachment, and my affectionate salutations.