The Rev. John Hargrove, Minister of the New Jerusalem Church, Baltimore, Washington, 11th March, 1801
I beg leave to return you my thanks, and through you, to the Acting
Committee of the New Jerusalem Church, in the city of Baltimore, for your
friendly congratulations.
I deplore with you the present sanguinary and turbulent state of things in the
Eastern world, and look forward to the restoration of peace, and progress of
information, for the promotion of genuine charity, liberality, and brotherly
kindness towards those who differ from us in opinion.
The Philanthropy which breathes through the several expressions of your
letter is a pledge that you will endeavour to diffuse the sentiments of
benevolence among our fellow-men, and to inculcate the important truth, that
they promote their own happiness by nourishing kind and friendly dispositions
towards others.
Commending your endeavours to the Being, in whose hands we are, I beg
you to accept assurances of my perfect consideration and respect.